2.4.3 Discharge Scale Function Keys
With the Discharge Scale, the function keys are assigned as follows: Standard Operating Sequence
This item explains the regular operating activities, i.e.
Perform feed operation
Print weigh data.
For other regular activities, e.g. enter setpoint and string, see manual BV-H2313, Item
Feeding starts and normally continues until feeding is complete. Before start of
feeding (F3 key) , enter or check setpoint.
You can stop feeding at any time, restart and complete, or abort it.
Every weighing operation (aborted or complete) is balanced automatically.
If feeding is complete, a weighing report is printed.
Opus – Operating Instructions
© Schenck Process GmbH, Darmstadt
'Start Filling'
F1 key: 'Start'
'Stop Filling'
F2 key: 'Stop'
Resume filling with F1 = Start.
'Select material, enter setpoint'
F3 key: 'MatSet'
'Print Sub-total'
F4 key: 'PrintBal'
'Abort Filling'
F5 key: 'Abort'
'Print Total/Clear Balance'
F6 key: 'PrinTot'
Scale Specific Control
BV-H2322 AA
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