Mains operation LED
On steady: mains operation with good bypass line and synchronised inverter
Flashing: mains operation with bad or disabled bypass line and/or non-synchronised inverter
Flashing in standby: programmed restart function active and mains present
Battery operation LED
On steady: battery operation
Flashing: battery operation with early low battery or imminent shutdown warning
Flashing in standby: programmed restart function active and mains absent
Load on bypass LED
On steady: load powered from bypass line
Standby/alarm LED
On steady: alarm present
Flashing: standby mode
Replace batteries LED
On steady: replace batteries
Flashing: batteries overvoltage alarm
ECO mode LED
On steady: ECO mode configuration active
Graphic display
F1, F2, F3, F4
FUNCTION KEYS. Each key's task can be found on the lower part of the display and varies according
to menu.
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