Display in the operating display with an active metering controller
Fig. 10.30
Fig. 10.31
Fig. 10.32
Fig. 10.33
10.3.13 Configuration / Metering monitoring
If the metering monitoring function is enabled, the pump strokes are compared to the
incoming pulses using a connected external metering monitor (e.g. oval gear meter). If a
configurable tolerance threshold is breached, an alarm is triggered.
If an oval gear meter is connected as a metering monitoring unit and should be
correspondingly evaluated, then the configuration/oval gear meter function must be
enabled in addition to the configuration/metering monitoring function
(see chapter 10.3.11). Selecting
▼ = Downward metering divergence
The pump is currently delivering less than the preset stroke
frequency (here 100/min for example) requires.
Metering frequency is increased automatically until the actual
value matches the target value.
- = No metering divergence
The pump delivers exactly the preset flow (here 100/min for
No correction is necessary.
▲ = Upward metering divergence
The pump is currently delivering more than the preset stroke
frequency (here 100/min for example) requires.
Metering frequency is reduced automatically until the actual
value matches the target value.
Dongle plate mounted.
Oval gear meter OGM
- 99 -
Fig. 10.34
metering monitoring is inactive.
(Default setting)
metering monitoring is active.
On activating metering monitoring, a
submenu appears with the following
menu items:
Menu item
see Chapter
• Stop pump
• Strokes
• Deviation
Rev. 9-06.11