By pulling on the rear (outer) A-riser and holding down the outer
A-lines the wing tips of the X-ONE can be folded in.
This method drastically deteriorates the glide angle but without
being an effective method for descending.
The use of big-earing is only sensible for getting away
horizontally out of moderate thermals without gaining more
(such as at cloud base or at risk of being blown
backwards into lee ).
The horizontal speed only increases very little, the flight path
speed increases significantly. The effectiveness of this technique
can be increased by using the speed system at the same time.
To reinflate it is simply necessary to release the line - only in
exceptional cases is it necessary to help the reinflation with brief,
deep pumps of the brake on the deflated side.
Caution: In this configuration no additional spiral dive may be
flown since only a part of the line attachments can take up the
increased loading caused by the turn and the canopy would be
Concentrate on your landing zone while having plenty of ground
Landing with the X-ONE is no problem at all owing to the low
sink rate and minimum speed. The straight approach is
performed into wind and the pilot eases out of the harness by
standing up at the latest when 5 meters above the ground. The
X-ONE is flown just slightly above the ground and at
approximately 1 meter above ground level full brakes are applied
continuously and rapidly, stalling the canopy.
In the ideal case the residual forward speed is completely
transformed into decreased sink just as you touch down and you
will very gently touch the ground.