This length adjustment may never be shortened, which means
the brake toggle may never be set at a position which is more
than 5 cm higher! The result would be a continuously slowed-
down canopy. Please note that through drag the brake already
transmits power before it looks tight in the pilot's eyes!
At the time of dispatch, the brake adjustments have a neutral path
of about 10cm. This adjustment is more apt for practice since it
does not involve the risk of slowing down the canopy
unintentionally. The marking on the steering line corresponds to
this adjustment and should not be set below if possible!
Warning! In no case may the position of the steering lines be
shortened by more than 5 cm relative to the marking applied!
The X-ONE exhibits comfortable handling with medium brake
distances. It shows a progression of brake forces (increase of
forces with brake distance). It is therefore important that every
pilot makes the best adjustments according to his size, harness
combination and personal preferences in order not to tire rapidly
by a non-ergonomic position of the brakes.
The region between shoulder and chest is inefficient for muscle
power input; this is a transitional region between pulling and
pushing for the arms.
Brake adjustment