De Scrip Tion; Be Fore Op Er A Tion - Ammann 11003438 Série Traduction Du Mode D'emploi Original

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3. Op er a tion

3.1 De scrip tion

3.1.1 Gen eral
The ARW 65 is a pe des trian-op er a tor-guided tan dem vi bra tory
roller. The ma chine is equipped with a cen trally-po si tioned 2-am -
pli tude ex citer.
It is suit able both for com pact ing bi tu mi nous ma te rial and also for
light earth work en gi neer ing tasks (e.g. com pact ing foun da tion
3.1.2 Gen eral over view
Front roller with park ing brake
Drive mo tor
Right-hand rocker arm
Wa ter tank
Die sel en gine
Hoop guard
Left-hand rocker arm
Vi bra tor mo tor
Rear roller
3.1.3 Hy drau lic sys tem
The hy drau lic sys tem con sists of drive, vi bra tion and brak ing
com po nents.
The sup ply of oil to the pump for the drive and multi-disk brake is
pro vided by the feed pump. It pumps oil from the hy drau lic tank to
the multiway valve and from there via a fil ter to the drive pump. In
or der to re lease the multi-disk brake, part of the flow is di verted.
When the safety handgrip is re leased, the oil sup ply to the drive
is in ter rupted and the ma chine re mains sta tion ary.
3.1.4 Drive
The drive mo tors in the roll ers are driven by the con trol pump.
The power is trans mit ted via a hub con nec tion. The mo tors are
hy drau li cally con nected in se ries.
3.1.5 Vi bra tion
The ex citer shaft is driven via a geared pump and a geared mo -
tor. This gen er ates the vi bra tion nec es sary for com pac tion.
The di rec tion of ro ta tion of the geared mo tor is con trolled via the
multiway valve in such a way that, when ro tat ing in one di rec tion,
the high am pli tude is gen er ated through ad di tion of the shift
weights, whereas when ro tat ing in the op po site di rec tion, the low
am pli tude is gen er ated through sub trac tion of the shift weightst.

3.2 Be fore op er a tion

Use per sonal pro tec tive equip ment (in par tic u lar
hear ing pro tec tors and safety shoes).
Ob serve the safety con di tions.
Ob serve the op er a tion and main te nance in struc -
Read the En gine op er at ing in struc tions. Ob serve
the Importants on safety, op er a tion and main te -
nance con tained in them.
• Stand the ma chine on an even sur face.
• Check
• the En gine oil level
• the hy drau lic oil level
• the fuel sup ply
• that screw con nec tions are se cure
• the con di tion of the En gine and the ma chine
Top-up any miss ing lu bri ca tion in ac cor dance with the lu bri ca tion
ta ble.


Table des Matières

Ce manuel est également adapté pour:

Arw 65 hatzArw 65 yanmar

Table des Matières