6. Trou bles hoo ting
6.1 Gen eral in for ma tion
Ob serve the safety in for ma tion
Only qual i fied and authorised per sons may carry out re -
pair work
In case of faults, the op er at ing and main te nance in struc -
tions must be re ferred to for cor rect op er a tion and main -
te nance.
If the cause of the fault can not be lo cated or rem e died, an
authorised Ammann Ser vice Cen tre should be con tacted.
Al ways first check the most likely causes (fuses, LEDs,
6.2 Fault ta ble
Pos si ble cause
En gi ne does not start
Fuel de fi ciency
Fuel valve closed
No fuel sup ply at car bu ret tor
En gine switch set to «OFF»
No spark at spark plug
If the en gine still does not start, con tact an authorised Ammann or Honda Ser vice Cen tre.
Re duced en gine per for mance
Air fil ter clogged
En gine runs, ma chine does not move for ward
In suf fi cient V-belt ten sion
V-belt bro ken
Cen trif u gal clutch lin ing worn
Rem edy
Re fill fuel
Set fuel valve to «OPEN»
Set en gine switch to «ON»
Clean air fil ter; re place if nec es sary
Re ten tion V-belt
Re place V-belt
Re place lin ings and springs
Re marks
To check, loosen drain screw on car bu ret tor
(fuel valve set to «OPEN»)
Re move plug con nec tor. Clean base of spark
Fit spark plug in plug con nec tor.
Hold side elec trode of spark plug against any
point of the en gine, pull out the starter ca ble
and check for spark in for ma tion.
Honda GX 100_10
No spark
re place plug
fit plug and at tempt to start en gine
Ammann-Ser vice