Trou Bles Hoo Ting - Ammann APF 12/33 Traduction Du Mode D'emploi Original

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8. Trou bles hoo ting

Ge ne ral in for ma ti on
Ob ser ve the sa fe ty in for ma ti on
Only qual i fied and authorised per sons may carry out re -
pair work
In case of faults, the op er at ing and main te nance in struc -
tions must be re ferred to for cor rect op er a tion and main -
te nance.
If the cause of the fault can not be lo cated or rem e died, an
authorised Ammann Ser vice Cen tre should be con tacted.
8.0.2 Fault tab le
Pos si ble cau se
En gi ne do es not start
Fu el de fi cien cy
Fu el val ve clo sed
No fu el supp ly at car bu ret tor
En gi ne switch set to «OFF»
No spark at spark plug (HONDA)
If the en gi ne still do es not start, con tact an aut ho ri sed Am mann or Hon da Ser vi ce Centre.
Re du ced en gi ne per for man ce
Air fil ter clog ged
En gi ne runs, ma chi ne do es not mo ve for ward
In suf fi cient V-belt ten si on
V-belt bro ken
Cen tri fu gal clutch li ning worn
Re me dy
Re fill fu el
Set fu el val ve to «OPEN»
Set en gi ne switch to «ON»
Cle an air fil ter; re pla ce if ne ces sa ry
Re ten ti on V-belt
Re pla ce V-belt
Re pla ce li nings and springs
Al ways first check the most li ke ly cau ses (fu ses, LEDs,
Re marks
Re mo ve plug con nec tor. Cle an ba se of spark
Fit spark plug in plug con nec tor.
Hold si de elec tro de of spark plug against any
point of the en gi ne, pull out the star ter ca ble
and check for spark in for ma ti on.
Honda GX 100_10
No spark
fit plug and at tempt to start en gi ne
Am mann-Ser vi ce
re pla ce plug


Table des Matières

Ce manuel est également adapté pour:

Apf 15/40Apf 15/50Apf 20/50

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