Fachverband Batterien
Postfach 70 12 61
60591 Frankfurt am Main
Lyoner Straße 9
60528 Frankfurt am Main
(0 69) 63 02-209
(0 69) 63 02-279
e-mail: batterien@zvei.org
Information Leaflet
Cleaning of Batteries
A clean battery is an absolute
necessity, not only because of the
outward appearance but rather in
order to avoid accidents and
damage as well as a reduc-tion in
the life-time and the avail-able
operating time of the bat-teries. It
is necessary to clean battery
crates, trays, stands and
insulators in order to maintain the
required insulation of the cells
against each other, against the
earth(ground) or external
conductive parts. Furthermore,
cleaning avoids damage by cor-
rosion or leakage currents.
The insulation resistance of trac-
tion batteries in accordance with
DIN EN 62458-2 must be a mini-
mum of 50 Ω per each volt nomi-
nal voltage. The insulation resist-
ance in batteries for electrical
industrial trucks in accordance
with DIN EN 1175-1 must be a
minimum of 1000 Ω.
This leaflet was prepared by the Working Group „Industrial Batteries" of the Product Division Batteries of the
German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association, ZVEI.
(Edition November 2018).
With regard to stationary bat-
teries in operation, a battery
insulation resistance of at least
100 Ω per each volt nominal volt-
age is required in accordance
with DIN EN 50272-2.
The battery is an electrical ap-
pliance with feedthroughs which
are protected against accidental
contact by insulating covers.
However, this is not to be equ-
ated with an electrical insulation,
as there is a voltage between
the terminals and the leads,
which are fed through an electri-
cally non-conductive plastic lid.
Depending on the operating time
and place, it is inevitable that
dust may settle on the battery.
Small amounts of electrolyte par-
ticles which escape from the bat-
tery during charging above the
gassing voltage form a more or
less conductive layer on the
cells or on the monobloc lids.
So-called leakage currents flow
through this layer. As a result,
increased and varying self-dis-
charge occurs in the individual
cells or monobloc batteries.
This is one of the reasons why
drivers of electrical vehicles com-
plain of a lack of capacity after
the battery has been standing
over the weekend.
If there is a flow of higher leak-
age currents, electrical sparking
may occur, which may cause an
explosion of the charging gas
(detonating gas), which is re-
leased from the cell plugs or
Therefore, the cleaning of bat-
teries is necessary not only to
ensure a good available opera-
ting time; it also forms an essen-
tial part in observing the rules for
the prevention of accidents.
General safety instructions
for cleaning batteries
Observe the safety advice in
the respective operating
manual for stationary
batteries either for vehicle
traction batteries.
Use protective eyewear and
protective clothing.