5) Sprockets, pinions, inner bearings and transmission rollers
In cycles with derailleur, the pinion, sprockets, inner bearings
and transmission rollers are subject to use related wear and
tear. Regular cleaning and lubrication can increase their life,
but replacement is necessary on reaching the wear limit. The
extent of wear depends on maintenance, servicing, the type of
use of the cycle (mileage, riding in the rain, dirt and pollution,
salt etc.).
6) Bulbs of the lighting system
Light bulbs and other lamps are subject to use related wear.
Hence, replacement may be necessary. The user must always
carry spare light bulbs to enable timely replacement.
7) Handle bar tapes and handle covers
Handle bar tapes and handle covers are subject to use related
wear. Replacement may be necessary regularly for this reason.
Ensure that the handles are connected tightly to the handle
8) Hydraulic oils and lubricants
Hydraulic oils lose their efficacy in the course of time. All
lubrication points should be cleaned regularly and re-lubricated.
Non replaced lubricants increase the wear in the attached parts
and bearings.
9) Cable and brake housing
All Bowden housings must be serviced regularly and replaced
if necessary. This can be the case especially if the cycle is placed
in the open frequently and is exposed to weather influences.
10) Paintwork
Paintwork requires regular maintenance. Check all painted
surfaces regularly for damages and rectify them immediately.
This will also preserve the good look of your cycle.