BULL'S Dartforce
The top cricket scoring display on the dartboard shows player 1's army segments. Player 2's
army segments are in the second row. Each time a segment is hit, the corresponding light will
shut off. Follow the scoreboard map on the next page to keep track of which segments you
need to hit to win.
The rules are the same as standard Battleground except now there are land mines on the
Players must be careful to avoid the land mines located in the Triple and Double rings of
opponents segment numbers.
Any player that hits a double or triple ring on the opposing teams' battlefield will lose an army
of his or her own. For example, if player 1 mistakenly hit the triple ring of the "6" segment,
they would lose their own army at the "11" segment.
This game is similar to "Battleground" except there is an alternative way to win the battle other
than just hitting the opposing teams' armies segments. As in the real game of paintball, players
can also capture the opposing team's flag to win the game. To capture the flag, the double
bullseye must be hit 3 times to capture the opposing teams' flag! Single bullseyes will not
count towards the 3 needed to capture the flag. Double bullseyes do not have to be scored in
the same round and will be tallied during the game. First player to either capture the flag or
eliminate the opposing army is the winner.
Adjustable Difficulty Settings
Paintball Doubles Players must either hit 3 double bullseyes to capture the flag or
hit double ringed segments to eliminate armies.
Paintball Triples Players must either hit 3 double bullseyes to capture the flag or
hit triple ringed segments to eliminate armies.
This is a very challenging 2-player game that is best suited for players of advanced skill. One
player will play the role of the cat and the other will be the mouse. The object of the game is
for the mouse to get back to his hole before being caught by the cat. The mouse starts first from
the "20" segment and proceeds counter-clockwise around the dartboard by hitting first the
double segment and then the single of each segment. The cat starts back at the "18" segment
and proceeds counter clockwise around the dartboard to catch the mouse by hitting doubles
only of each segment. If the mouse makes it all the way around the board back to the double
20, the mouse wins the game. If the cat hits the double segment that the mouse is on, the cat
has caught the mouse and has won the game.