You can also leave the yeast dough to stand overnight in the fridge. Place it
in a bowl, cover with a cloth or cling film and leave it to stand for a period
of 18–24 hours. The dough will continue to rise, albeit a little slower than
at room temperature. Make sure that there is enough room for this in the
6) Prepare the sauce and the other ingredients: Mix the strained tomatoes with
the garlic and oregano, and then season with salt and pepper. Finely dice
the pepper, peel and halve the onions and cut them into strips.
7) After the rising time, place the dough on a floured work surface. You can
divide the dough into two pieces and then work each piece separately.
8) Roll out the dough to a thickness of 2–4 mm and cut out the pizza bases with
the dough cutter 9. Sprinkle a little flour onto the dough if it is still sticky and
then press it flat with your fingers and the palms of your hands. Add a little
flour to your hands if necessary.
9) Place the pizza bases on the lightly greased pizza peels 8. Shape the edge
of the mini-pizza by pushing the slightly overhanging dough up a little. This
creates a small raised edge which prevents the toppings from sliding off the
pizza base.
10) Spread on a little tomato sauce, then top with the sweetcorn, diced peppers
and onion strips. Afterwards, sprinkle with cheese.
11) Push the pizza peels 8 through the openings 3 onto the baking tray 4.
Bake the mini-pizzas for around 7–12 minutes. The actual baking time depends
on the thickness of the dough and the quantity of ingredients and can therefore
TIP: Sprinkle some washed and finely chopped rocket salad on the pizza after
baking. This gives the mini-pizza a fresh, spicy taste!
SPO 910 A1