8.4.3 Adjustment test with external weight
Repeatedly press the [CAL] key until "FUnC.SEL" appears.
Press the [TARE] key. "CAL" is displayed.
Press the [TARE] key. "E CAL" is displayed.
Repeatedly press the [CAL] key until "i tESt" appears.
Press the [TARE] key. Testing is started and zero display is
(Ensure that there are no objects on the weighing plate).
Wait until the weighing value for adjustment is shown and flash-
Place the required adjusting weight on the weighing plate.
Wait until the blinking zero display reappears. (this may take
about 30 seconds.)
Remove the weight from the weighing plate.
After this, the difference to the previous adjustment will be dis-
played for several seconds.
After "tESt End" was displayed, the balance will automatically
return to weighing mode.