Check the opening of the manual valves.
Check the opening of the motorized valves as well as their position depending on the controller/display output.
When the ejector is not active (0%), the suction motorized valve must be closed.
At start, the ejectors open progressively based on the setpoint provided by the controller.
Start Pump during Commissioning with 50Hz frequency and keep this speed for 24-48h ( depending on the noise). Note the current for the
new pump at 50Hz as well as for a pump which is running for at least 24h.
If the installation has 2 pumps running in parallel: proceed for each pump according to the procedure above.
The liquid pump will only start if the pressure uplift from the ejectors is not sufficient (subcritical mode mainly).
Below 475kW cooling capacity (estimate), a single pump is needed, the second one is redundant.
Above 475kW cooling capacity (estimate), two pumps must operate in parallel.
Check the operation of the oil trap :
Heating element mounted around the oil trap to remove the refrigerant captured in the oil
The outlet solenoid valve must open when the temperature sensor located at the bottom of the oil trap indicates presence of oil (temperature
higher than the one of the suction gas)
Oil feeding into the inlet of the LT liquid/vapor heat exchanger
Filtering meshes
ball valves
Oil pumps
Filter driers
Heating element