Jam message
Guardian Brake
Current Failure
Guardian Chip to
Chip Timeout
Guardian Encoder
Cross Check
Guardian Invalid
Guardian Invalid
Guardian MCLR
Guardian Over-
Speed Detected
Guardian Relay
Feedback Error
This jam indicates that a fault has been detected by
the monitor of the brake current. This is a level 2 jam.
Indicates that one of the processors on the safety
module has stopped seeing the heartbeat line from
the other processor. This is a level 2 jam.
Occurs when the main safety controller has not
received a response from the iBOT's safety module.
Also referred to as a "Black Channel Timeout." This is
a level 2 jam.
Indicates that an inconsistency has been detected
between the encoders in the two safety module
processors. This is a level 2 jam.
Indicates that the loaded configuration is invalid or
missing. This is a level 1 jam. This error will only be
cleared when a valid configuration is loaded.
Indicates that either one or both of the processors on
the safety module have detected an invalid reset
either on themselves or on the other processor. This
is a level 1 jam. This will only be cleared when a valid
reset is done.
Indicates that the one of the safety processors saw
the Master Clear/Reset (MCLR) line for the other
processor. The MCLR lines are tied to reset buttons
and external watchdog chips. The external watchdog
chips use timers that require activity between certain
time frames. If activity is not seen between the time
frames, the chip causes a reset. The chip also
contains a voltage monitor that will call a reset if the
voltage drops too low. This is a level 2 jam.
Indicates that an over-speed condition was detected.
This is a level 2 jam.
Indicates that one of the processors on the safety
module has detected a relay feedback error. This is a
level 1 jam.
Sure Sort™ Operator Manual
OPEX Corporation