3.3.3. The Optional OPEX Barcode Tunnel
The optional OPEX barcode tunnel is an array of cameras meant to read
barcodes from items on the imaging conveyor, regardless of their orientation
(Figure 3-8).
The Real-time Monitor (RTM), as shown in Figure 3-9, only processes the
images from the line scan, and sends its results to the Master camera. From
there, the results are sent over to the ELC.
Figure 3-8: Barcode Scanners
Figure 3-9: Scan tunnel RTM computer
Sure Sort™ Operator Manual
OPEX Corporation
The OPEX tunnel
uses seven
cameras above the
imager belts to find
barcodes on the
top, front, back,
and sides of each
item, and a line
scan camera
positioned under
the gap between
the two conveyor
belts to find
barcodes on the