• The covering used on your model has the coloring and markings printed directly on the covering.
• The covering has a self-adhesive backing, and it is not recommended to use heat as it may damage the covering.
• Use only mild cleaning agents on the printed fi nish. Denatured alcohol is the most aggressive agent we recommend,
but test on an inconspicuous area fi rst. Prolonged use will remove the paint.
• Use tape with care. Anything other than low-tack tape can remove the fi nish, particularly on edges.
• Avoid contact with raw fuel, especially alcohol-based fuels containing nitro methane.
• Remove exhaust residue as soon as practical to avoid staining or damaging of the fi nish.
There are two areas on your aircraft that will receive wear under normal use. The fi rst area is where the cowling fi ts
over the fuselage hatch, and where the wing fi ts into the fuselage. Placing a piece of clear tape on the wing where it
fi ts into the fuselage, and on the hatch underneath the cowling, will reduce the wear on the covering in these areas.
Sanding the inside of the cowling smooth will also help prevent wear of the covering under the cowling.
Prepare the work surface prior to beginning the build. The surface should be soft and free of any sharp objects. We
recommend resting the airframe parts on a soft towel or pit mat to prevent scratching or denting the surface of the
When transporting and storing your model, you will need a minimum of 70 inches (1.8m) in length, and 28 inches
(54cm) in height to accommodate the size of the fuselage. We also recommend the use of wing and stabilizer bags to
help protect these surfaces during transport and storage. The control horns and linkages can cause damage to other
surfaces even when placed in storage bags. Always transport and store the wings and stabilizer so the linkages do not
contact other panels to prevent damage.
When building the aircraft, you will be required to thread machine screws into blind nuts. We recommend pre-threading
the screws to make sure the blind nuts are clear of any debris. If the screws do not thread in easily, clear the threads
using the appropriate tap and tap handle.
This model will likely require the addition of nose weight to properly balance. Testing has been performed on all power
options. Using a heavier engine or motor will help in reducing the amount of weight required. Make sure to use proper
throttle management when fl ying with these larger and more powerful options. Our test aircraft with the recommended
Evolution® 62cc engine and muffl er, and receiver and ignition batteries under the fuel tank. Using engines other than
those recommended may require the additional weight to properly balance. This may vary from plane to plane. Add this
weight as far forward in the fuselage as possible to reduce the amount required to balance. This weight must be secure
so it does not come loose in fl ight, causing an unsafe model which could result in the loss of the aircraft.
A copy of this manual can be found at under the tab for this particular model. Feel free to
download this manual and use a PDF viewer to zoom in on any text or images that may be in question when building
from the printed manual.
Ki-43 Oscar 60cc ARF
Use low-tack tape to mark the aileron, fl ap and retract covers so
they can be returned to the wing in the correct orientation. Use an
arrow pointing toward the leading edge as reference.
Remove the tape from the wing that secure the aileron and fl ap to
the wing.
Separate the aileron and fl ap from the wing. Set them aside in a safe