Picture 24 - Secondary air regulation
To light the fire you can use well dried bro-
ken and thin wood together with the specif-
ic products available in commerce. The com-
bustion may be difficult if the chimney is not
hot. The required time for heating depends
on the chimney itself and on the weather
Once the fire is correctly started, this main-
Picture 25 - Starting key
WARNING! When loading wood, it is recommended to keep a distance of
some centimetres from the internal glass of the fire door and the combustible,
in order to safe the glass from too high temperatures that could damage it.
tains till the exhaustion of the combustible.
To maintain the flame it is necessary to re-
insert wood inside the combustion chamber
with intervals depending on the quantity of
combustible inserted each time. The wood
fired cooker is able to have an intermittent