The refractory mortar used for the internal
walling contain always a little moisture that
is eliminated after the first periods of use: so
it is normal that the first times you light the
cooker a little condensation is being gener-
Before starting to use the cooker, remove
the packaging materials in the oven, re-
move the plastic film in which is wrapped
To optimize the combustion it is necessary
to pay attention to guarantee a perfect mix
of wood (combustible) and air (supporter of
combustion). The primary air flows at the
bottom of the combustion chamber through
the wood holder grill and allows the com-
bustion. Operating on the primary air reg-
ulator you can set the speed of combustion
and so the heat generated by the cooker.
The regulation works on an automatic de-
On S cookers the secondary air is fixed and
set so that the combustion is optimal and
the glass of the fire door is clean. When the
cooker is installed on a chimney with high
draught, it is possible to experience an ex-
cessive air inflow not limited by the draught
regulator. In this situation it is necessary to
restrict partially the air flow as indicated in
picture 24, so that the excessive draught is
compensated. This regulation shall be done,
For the same reason the internal refractory
bricks experience a bedding that may gen-
erate small holes on the bricks, such holes
do not preclude anyway the working of the
the plate and remove with a rag the most of
the oil on its surface.
3. USE
vice that acts on the desired temperature,
keeping it steady.
The secondary air allows the after-combus-
tion of the fumes, generating more heat
and knocking down the quantity of harmful
gas spread, making best both the rendering
of the cooker and its impact on the environ-
ment. After the combustion, we suggest to
close the air regulators in order to keep the
cooker warm for a longer time.
when necessary, only during the installation
of the cooker. To make the regulation: open
the fire door, release the screws, scroll the
regulating plate and then fix the screws
again. The regulating plate scrolls horizon-
tally and opens or closes the air flow accord-
ing to the indicated direction. Do not close
completely the air flow because it may cause
a not regular working of the cooker that
could make dirty the glass of the fire door.