6.3 Air fil ter
Risk of fire and ex plo sion caused by in flam ma ble
sub stances.
For clean ing the fil ter el e ment, do not use any
flam ma ble or ag gres sive ma te ri als.
In the work area, do not smoke, and pre vent
open flames or sparks.
Re place the fil ter el e ment:
when the fil ter el e ment is dam aged
if there is wet or oily con tam i na tion
if mo tor per for mance suf fers
at least once a year
Do not al low dirt into the air chan nel and car bu ret tor.
Never run the mo tor with out an air fil ter.
6. Main te nance en gine
Press the latch tab (1) on the top of the air cleaner cover (2),
and re move the cover.
In spect the fil ter el e ment (3). Clean or re place dirty fil ter el e -
ments. Al ways re place dam aged fil ter el e ments.
Cle an the fil ter ele ment in warm soa py wa ter, rin se, and al low
to dry tho roughly. Or cle an in non flam ma ble sol vent and al low
to dry.
Dip the fil ter el e ment (3) in clean en gine oil, then squeeze out
all ex cess oil. The en gine will smoke when started if too much
oil is left in the el e ment.
Wi pe dirt from the air clea ner bo dy and co ver (2), using a
moist rag. Be ca re ful to pre vent dirt fro men te ring the car bu re -
Reins tall the fil ter ele ment (3) and air clea ner co ver (2).