6. Main te nance en gine
6.1 Fuel sys tem
Petrol is ex tremely likely to catch fire and is ex plo -
sive; you can suf fer burns and se vere in ju ries
when re fu el ling.
Add fuel only when the en gine is shut off.
No open flame.
No smok ing.
Do not fill the tank in en closed spaces.
Do not in hale fuel fumes.
Do not spill fuel. Clean up leak ing fuel. Do not let
it seep into the soil.
Col lect leak ing fuel; do not let fuel seep into the
ground or sewer.
Dan ger of en vi ron men tal da ma ge from spil led fuel.
Do not over fill the fu el tank and do not spill fu el.
Col lect any lea king fu el and dis po se of it ac cor -
ding to lo cal en vi ron men tal regulations.
Fuel qual ity
The en gi ne is cer ti fied to ope ra te on un lea ded ga so li ne with a re -
search oc ta ne ra ting of 91 or hig her (pump oc ta ne ra ting of 86 or
hig her).
You may use un lea ded ga so li ne con tai ning no mo re than 10%
et ha nol (E10) or 5% methanol by volume.
In addition, me tha nol must contain cosolvents and corrosion
Use of fuels with con tent of ethanol or methanol greater than
shown above may cau se starting and/or performance problems.
It may also da ma ge me tal, rubber, and plastic parts of the fuel
en gi ne da ma ge or per for man ce pro blems that re sult from using a
fu el with per cen ta ges of et ha nol or me tha nol grea ter than shown
abo ve are not co ver ed un der the War ran ty.