Burst open:
allows a burst to be selected for opening in order to view the data. At this level, a burst can be renamed or one or more bursts can be deleted.
New burst:
starts a new burst. If a burst is running, the user will be asked if this should be saved.
Burst management:
can be used to view all bursts in memory. At this level, a burst can be renamed or one or more bursts can be deleted.
shows the number of bursts in memory, the number of free bytes and the number of measurements that can be saved.
A configuration is the state of the THERMYS 150 at a given moment. The state of the unit includes:
The current functions and ranges for measurement and simulation,
The parameters of all the transmission modes (staircase, ramp, synthesiser, etc.),
The scale corrections applied,
All the preferences defined in paragraph C.9.3.
To save the state of the unit, use the Menu
Record under...