Additional Programming
Remote Control
as OPEN/
Single Button
Remote Control
as SBC
TS (continued)
Single Button
Wall Controller
myQ® Smart
Facility Access
Operator at OPEN limit
Operator at CLOSE limit
Door opening
OPEN button
is pressed
Door closing
Door at Open Mid-Stop
Door stopped during open or
close cycle
Operator at OPEN limit
Operator at CLOSE limit
Door opening
CLOSE button
is pressed
Door closing
Door at Open Mid-Stop
Door stopped during open or
close cycle
Operator at OPEN limit
Operator at CLOSE limit
Door opening
STOP button
is pressed
Door closing
Door at Open Mid-Stop
Door stopped during open or
close cycle
Operator at OPEN limit
Operator at CLOSE limit
Door opening
Door closing
Button is pressed
Door at Open Mid-Stop
Door stopped during the open
Door stopped during the close
Operator at OPEN limit
Operator at CLOSE limit
Door opening
Door closing
Button is pressed
Door at Open Mid-Stop
Door stopped during the open
Door stopped during the close
Button is held
Door opening
Operator at OPEN limit
Operator at CLOSE limit
Door opening
Open is pressed
Door closing
Door at Open Mid-Stop
Door stopped during open or
close cycle
Operator at OPEN limit
Operator at CLOSE limit
Door opening
Door closing
Door at Open Mid-Stop
Close is pressed
Door stopped during open or
close cycle
No change in state (Recycle TTC)
Door opens to the OPEN limit or Mid-Stop
and activates TTC
No change in state
Door will auto reverse to OPEN limit or Mid-
Stop and activates TTC
Door opens to the OPEN limit and activates
Door opens to the OPEN limit or Mid-Stop
and activates TTC
Door closes to the CLOSE limit
No change in state
No change in state
No change in state
Door closes to the CLOSE limit
Door closes to the CLOSE limit
No change in state (Recycle TTC)
No change in state
Door stops and activates TTC
Door stops and activates TTC
No change in state (Recycle TTC)
No change in state (Recycle TTC)
No change in state (Recycle TTC)
Door opens to the OPEN limit or Mid-Stop
and activates TTC
Door stops and activates TTC
Door will auto reverse to OPEN limit or Mid-
Stop and activates TTC
Door opens to the OPEN limit and activates
Door closes to the CLOSE limit
Door opens to the OPEN limit or Mid-Stop
and activates TTC
Door closes to the CLOSE limit
Door opens to the OPEN limit or Mid-Stop
and activates TTC
Door stops and activates TTC
Door will auto reverse to OPEN limit or Mid-
Stop and activates TTC
Door opens to the OPEN limit
Door closes to the CLOSE limit
Door opens to the OPEN limit or Mid-Stop
and activates TTC
No change in state or Mid-Stop and activates
No change in state (Recycle TTC)
Door opens to the OPEN limit or Mid-Stop
(activates TTC)
No change in state
Door will auto reverse to OPEN limit or Mid-
Stop and activates TTC
Door opens to the OPEN limit and activates
Door opens to the OPEN limit or Mid-Stop
and activates TTC
Door closes to the CLOSE limit
No change in state
No change in state
No change in state
Door closes to the CLOSE limit
Door closes to the CLOSE limit