• During activated pre-heating phase, current chamber tem-
perature will be displayed with visible setted pre-heating
temperature (Fig.4H).
• Reached temperature will be informed by acoustic signal
and symbol "DONE" (Fig.1J). Open door to deactivate alarm.
Close the door - main cycle will start automatically.
NOTE: Pre-heating temperature can not exceed 260°C (in
• From additional parameters screen (Fig.4) touch activation
symbol from OFF to ON (Fig.1F-G) related to core probe sym-
bol (Fig.4C).
• To confirm setting touch symbol
• Operating parameters screen will be change: time value will
be change into core temperature value (Fig.4I); touch the
digits coresponds to core probe symbol - core temperature
setting screen will be display (Fig.4J).
• Change value using displayed keyboard.
• To confirm value touch symbol
• During cycle display will be show current core temperature
and set core temperature for each phase/cycle.
NOTE: If core temperature is setted, time setting is exluded.
Cycle/current step (if more than 1) end until setted core tem-
perature is reached.
ATTENTION: During this setting core probe is used inside food.
Avoid contact it with bones. Probe cable must pass through
door gasket at the bottom. If cycle is setted without above pa-
rameters, core probe must be placed in specific socket. If not,
display will shows error.
• To start cycle, after setting all parameters, touch the symbol
(Fig.1B). Depending on type of cycle (without or with core
probe) corresponding screen will be displayed (Fig.5A-B).
• To interrupted active cycle at any time, touch any area of the
screen and then touch and pres the symbol "X" (Fig.1C) for
3 seconds.
• When cycle ends, acoustic alarm will activate for 1 minutes.
• During cycle all parameters can be change by touching cor-
responding digits. To back to activated cycle screen touch
"BACK" symbol (Fig.1D).
Appliance has recipe book where can be stored programs up
to 100.
• To enter to default programm list touch the symbol of recipe
book (Fig.2E); display will shows recipe numbers - lighted up
in white (empty numbers) and darked up number numbers
(taken numbers) - Fig.6A.
• To select any program, touch corresponding number - num-
ber will by marked by red frame (Fig.6B). Touch "delete" to
reset taken number (saved program under selected number
will be delete).
• To save new program with new operating parameters, choose
additional menu (Fig.3F) and then touch "save" on addition-
al parameters screen (Fig.4D) - display will show program
numbers (Fig.6C). Choose desire number and touch "save"
NOTE: If you choose darked up number (some program already
exist under this number), new program will replace existing one
(old program will be overwritten).
COOLING function
• From home screen (Fig.2B) touch symbol for cooling function
(Fig.2D). Current chamber temperature will be displayed on
cooling function screen (Fig.7). To start cooling open the door.
• Function can be cancel at any time by touching the symbol
"BACK" (Fig.1D); otherwise it is disabled automatically when
temperature inside chamber decrease to 40°C.
NOTE: Cooling function activated with door open - do not touch
any element inside chamber. RISK OF BURNS.
• From general settings screen (Fig.8) touch symbol related to
calendar/clock (Fig.8A). Date and time setting screen will be
display (Fig.8G).
• Touch desire digit to change value (digits will start flashing).
Change date or time by touching symbols "+" or "-".
• To confirm value touch symbol
saving touch symbol "BACK" (Fig.1D).
Switching between °C/ F
• From general settings screen (Fig.8) touch symbol related to
°C/F (Fig.8B). Changing units screen will be display (Fig.8H).
• Unit °C is set as default, so unit F is set with symbol in "OFF"
position (Fig.1G).To set unit °F switch symbol into ON position
• To confirm value touch symbol
IMPORT / EXPORT programs via USB
• USB port is located on the left side of the control panel.
• To import new programs from USB drive, after connecting
drive, touch the USB symbol (Fig.8C) from general setting
screen. Import/export screen will be display (Fig.8I) - touch
"import"; an acousting alarm will be emitted as confirmation.
• To export programs: touch "export" from import/export screen
(8I) - an acousting alarm will be emitted as confirmatio.
• From general settings screen (Fig.8) touch symbol "i"
(Fig.8E). Type password "1234" and touch symbol
to confirm.
HACCP function
• To use HACCP function for constantly monitoring data of the
cycle USB drive must be connected to the appliance.
• To activate function, from general settings screen (Fig.8)
touch the symbol related to HACCP function (Fig.8F).
• On displayed screen (FIg.8J) switch activation symbol from
"OFF" position to "ON" position (Fig.1F-G).
Cleaning & maintenance
• ATTENTION! Always disconnect the appliance from the pow-
er supply and cool down before storage, cleaning & main-
• Do not use water jet or steam cleaner for cleaning and do not
push the appliance under the water as the parts will get wet
and electric shock might be resulted.
• If the appliance is not kept in a good state of cleanliness, this
can adversely affect the life of the appliance and result in a
dangerous situation.
• Food residues should be regularly cleaned and removed from
the appliance. If the appliance is not cleaned properly, it will
reduce its lifespan and may result in a dangerous condition
during use.
(Fig.1B). To exit without