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Thuasne Townsend TD AIR ROM WALKER Mode D'emploi page 3

Botte de marche articulée


des montants de façon à assurer un contact étroit et un bon alignement
du membre.
10. Afin d'augmenter la contention, vous pouvez gonfler la vessie intégrée
en appuyant sur la poire noire, sur la face antérieure du chausson.
Pour dégonfler le chausson gonflable (et réduire la contention), libérer la
valve située derrière la poire de gonflage.
11. Faites marcher le patient avec la botte pour vérifier le bon ajustement et
le fonctionnement de celle-ci.
Retrait de la botte : Pour retirer la botte, desserrez les sangles et ouvrez
l'auto-agrippant qui ferme le chausson pour permettre au patient de sortir
TELLE, le patient pourra ainsi remettre le chausson et la botte sans difficulté
et sans modifier l'alignement de la jambe.
Ce produit est destiné à un usage de courte durée (moins de 180 jours).
Il n'est pas conçu pour être réutilisé par un autre patient. Townsend ac-
corde une garantie limitée de 90 jours comprenant la réparation ou le rem-
placement de la botte ou de ses composants, y compris les enveloppes en
mousse, la semelle intérieure et les sangles. Dans les conditions normales
d'utilisation, il est peu probable que ces composants s'usent fortement. Les
utilisations incorrectes et la négligence, y compris le rangement des bottes
dans le coffre d'une voiture à une température supérieure à 60°C, annulent
la garantie. Ce dispositif n'est pas un dispositif de prévention des blessures ni
de réduction des risques de récidives. Cette attelle n'est pas conçue pour
être portée par des patients pesant plus de 113 kg.
Hinged walking boot
▪ Aluminum uprights that can be contoured to the leg, with adjustable ROM Hinges.
▪ Minimum dorsal flexion of metatarsals.
▪ Curved, anti-skid sole allows patient to walk naturally and comfortably.
The TD AIR ROM Walker boot is prescribed following a variety of foot, toe
and ankle injuries or operations, in particular mild, moderate or severe ankle
sprains and stable fractures of the foot or ankle.
▪ Not intended for unstable fractures or for fractures of the proximal tibia or fibula.
▪ Do not apply the product in direct contact with broken skin.
▪ Follow the advice of the professional who prescribed or supplied the product.
▪ Consult your professional if discomfort occurs.
▪ Store at room temperature, preferably in its original packaging.
▪ For hygiene and performance reasons, do not re-use the product for
another patient.
Washing instructions
▪ See product label.
▪ Fasten Velcro tabs before washing.
▪ Do not use detergents, fabric softeners or aggressive products (products
containing chlorine)
▪ Squeeze out excess water.
▪ Dry away from heat sources.
See product label.
Fitting instructions
This walker comes packaged in a protective plastic wrap that includes a
product code and sizing label. It is comprised of these components:
▪ Foam bootie that surrounds the foot and lower leg -- with built-in pneuma-
tic bladder
▪ 2 forefoot straps and 2 calf straps (third calf strap is attached to the bootie
with pump-up ball)
▪ Fitting guide and product information sheet
▪ ¼" Allen key for ROM Hinge adjustment
Putting on the boot:
1. Remove the walker from the large protective plastic bag and detach the
foam bootie. DO NOT remove the plastic sleeves that are over the uprights.
These plastic sleeves must remain over the uprights during the initial phases
of the fitting procedure.
2. Open the leg and foot sections of the foam bootie by releasing the self-
adhesive strip from the foam. Have the patient slide their foot and lower leg
into the bootie.
3. Close the bootie, making sure that the foam is wrapped snugly around
the patient's limb. The pre-sized bootie is designed with sewn edges, and
you should not have to trim it to size (it can be cut, however, if needed).
4. To adjust the ROM stops, use the 1/4" Allen key provided with the walker
and remove the Allen bolt. Rotate the acrylic cap to the position where the
flexion/extension lock pins are set. Reposition the pins in the desired holes,
rotate the cap to its original position, reinsert the Allen bolt and tighten it
securely with the Allen key.
5. Make sure that the plastic sleeves over the uprights are still completely
covering the self-adhesive strip that is attached to the inside of the uprights.
Have the patient place his or her foot in the aluminium shell between the
two uprights. The foot should be positioned so the uprights are centered at
midline on the side of the leg.
6. To increase stabilization, the uprights can be contoured to ensure an
intimate alignment with the sides of the leg. There are also foam comfort
pads mounted on the inside of the uprights (near the ankles) that can
be moved to enhance comfort, or that can be removed to increase the
medial-lateral width between the uprights.
7. When you are sure the uprights are properly contoured and in the proper
alignment (centered at midline on the sides of the leg), remove the plastic
sleeves from the uprights. The self-adhesive strip on the inside of the uprights
will lock onto the foam bootie.
8. Tighten the two forefoot straps that secure the patient's foot in the boot.
The forefoot straps should fit snugly. These straps can be adjusted by simply
loosening or tightening the self-adhesive tabs. Any excessive material can
also be trimmed off for a cleaner look.
9. Then tighten the two straps that secure the lower limb between the
uprights, starting with the strap closest to the ankle. The last strap (attached
to the pneumatic bootie) should be secured snugly around the uprights to
ensure intimate contact and proper limb alignment.
10. To increase compression, the pneumatic bladder can be inflated by
compressing the blue ball pump on the anterior aspect of the bootie. To
deflate the inflatable bootee (and reduce compression), release the valve
located behind the inflator bulb.
11. Have the patient ambulate in the boot to ensure the walker is fitting and
Conserver cette notice.
functioning properly.
Removing the boot — For removing the boot, the straps should be
released and the self-adhesive strap that closes the bootie should be
opened to allow the patient to step out of the boot WITH THE BOOTIE STILL
LOCKED IN POSITION IN THE TD WALKER SHELL. This will enable the patient to
easily reapply the bootie and boot with the proper leg alignment.
This product is designed for short-term use (less than 180 days) and should be
worn by a single user. It is not intended for reuse on a second patient. Town-
send provides a limited 90 day warranty that offers repair or replacement
of the boot or components including the foam wraps, inner sole pad and
straps. Under normal use and conditions, it is unlikely that these components
will wear out. Misuse, abuse or neglect including the placement of boots
in the trunk of a car in temperatures that exceed 60 degrees can poten-
tially void the warranty. This device is not guaranteed to prevent injuries or
reduce or eliminate the risk of re-injury. This boot is not designed or intended
to be worn by patients who weigh more than 113 kg.
▪ Bei 90° fixierte, am Bein anpassungsfähige Aluminiumschienen mit Gelenken
zur Einstellung der Bewegungsfreiheit.
▪ Dorsalflexion des Mittelfußes auf ein Mindestmaß beschränkt.
▪ Gewölbte rutschfeste Sohle, die dem
angenehmen Gang ermöglicht.
Die TD AIR ROM Walker Gehorthese wird bei unterschiedlichen Verletzungen
und chirurgischen Eingriffen am Fuß, an den Zehen und am Knöchel, insbe-
sondere bei leichten, mittelschweren oder schweren Verstauchungen des
Knöchels, sowie bei stabilen Frakturen des Fußes oder des Knöchels verordnet.
▪ Nicht für instabile Frakturen oder Frakturen des oberen Teils des Schien-
oder Wadenbeins geeignet.
▪ Das Produkt nicht im Bereich einer offenen Wunde anlegen.
▪ Die Anweisungen des Arztes oder Orthopädietechnikers beachten.
▪ Bei starken Beschwerden oder unangenehmen Empfindungen den Arzt
oder Orthopädietechniker aufsuchen.
▪ Bei Raumtemperatur, vorzugsweise in der Originalverpackung, aufbewahren.
▪ Das Medizinprodukt ist zur einmaligen Versorgung eines Patienten
vorgesehen. Zur Gewährleistung der Wirksamkeit der Orthese und aus
Hygienegründen sollte sie nicht an andere Patienten weitergegeben werden.
▪ Siehe Produktetikett.
▪ Die Klettverschlüsse vor dem Waschen schließen.
▪ Keine Reinigungsmittel, Weichspüler oder aggressive Produkte (chlorhaltige
Produkte) verwenden.
▪ Wasser gut ausdrücken.
▪ Abseits einer Wärmequelle trocknen.
Siehe Produktetikett.
Hinweise für das anlegen
Diese Orthese wird in einer Kunststoffschutzhülle verkauft, die mit dem
Produktcode und einem Größenetikett ausgestattet ist. Sie beinhaltet die
folgenden Elemente:
Bewegliche Gehorthese
Keep this instruction leaflet.
Patienten einen natürlichen und

