Set up protocol
After successful set up, complete this form fully, sign it, make a copy and send to the manufacturer within a week.
Nussbaum Automotive Lifts GmbH
Korker Straße 24
D-77694 Kehl-Bodersweier
Fax: +49 78 53-87 87
The system with serial number ____________________________
at (company name) _____________________________________
checked for function and safety and put into operation
The set up was done by the operating company / specialist (score out the one that does not apply).
The operating company confirms proper system set up, has read and will comply with all information contained in this
operating manual and inspection book, and will keep this document accessible to trained operators at all times.
The specialist confirms proper system set up, has read all information in this operating manual and inspection book, and
has transferred the documents to the operating company.
After successful inspection of function and safety by a trained assembler, the lift is transferred without electrical connec-
tion (e.g. plug) to on-site power supply.
An on-site electrical connection between the lift and the power supply is to be done by a qualified electrician (see details
in the electrical plan).
Only fill out if the system has a fixed anchor.
Anchor used *)
Minimum anchor depth *) complied with:
Tightening torque *) complied with:
Service partner:
*) see anchor manufacturer enclosed instructions
__________ mm
__________ Nm
Name, operating company & company stamp
Name, specialist
was set up on (date) ______________________
in (town, city) _____________________________
Operating company signature
Signature of specialist
OPI_COMBI LIFT 480H_V4.2_DE-EN-FR-IT – Teile-Nr: 0030173