All of the Nuendo DD 8's I/Os support 96 kHz/24 bit. As ADAT optical
and TDIF are restricted to 48kHz, in DS mode (Double Speed) two chan-
nels are being used for the transmission of one channel's data. The
Sample Split algorithm used is also implemented in Steinberg's
Nuendo 96/52. Thus the Nuendo DD 8 also serves as an ideal AES/EBU
frontend for these interface cards, on both Mac and PC.
The format conversion between AES/EBU and ADAT/TDIF operates in
both directions at the same time, both completely independent or in-
telligently coupled. LEDs of different colours show the present state of
incoming and outgoing signals and of the internal processing in a clear
The unique Intelligent Clock Control (ICC) allows for a flexible use with
internal clock (44.1, 48, 88.2 and 96 kHz), external word clock or the dig-
ital input signals. These options being available for both directions are
intelligently coupled in a way typical for Steinberg and easy to apply
thanks to a clear and easily understandable display of the Lock and
Sync states. Besides, the unique Copy Mode allows for operation as dig-
ital patchbay and signal distributor. Up to 16 channels can be distrib-
uted and converted at the same time. In few words: The Nuendo DD 8
is a true Intelligent Audio Solution.
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