Unfortunately, this method does not work automatically when the SRC
is active. For this reason, the SRC must be switched on and off once
when all AES sources have been connected and stable SYNC is dis-
played. All four SRCs do now operate in sync with sample accuracy.
(This is only relevant, if you wish to convert a multi channel signal from
one source only – e.g. from a mixer or a tape recorder – using SRC.
8.3 Word Clock Input and Output
The Nuendo DD 8's word clock input is available to both the left and
the right part. It is active, when EXT is chosen in the clock section. The
signal at the BNC input can be single or double speed, the Nuendo DD
8 automatically adapts to it. As soon as a valid signal is detected, the
EXT LED is constantly lit, otherwise it is flashing.
Thanks to the Signal adaptation Circuit, the word clock input still works
correctly even with heavily mis-shaped, dc-prone, too small or over-
shoot-prone signals. Thanks to automatic signal centering, 300 mV
(0.3V) input level are sufficient in principle. An additional hysteresis re-
duces sensitivity to 1.2 V, so that over- and undershoots and high-fre-
quency disturbances don't cause a wrong trigger.
The Nuendo DD 8's input is designed with high resistance in order to
yield maximum flexibility for the user. If correct termination is required,
a 75 Ohm termination resistor is necessary (see 11.2 Cabling and Termi-
The word clock output is constantly active and basically delivers the
sample rate of the left part as word clock signal. As long as it is working
with internal clock, the output word clock is especially jitter-free (< 1
ns). The device can even be used as a central word clock generator (ex-
cept the limitation of only one output). In slave mode (EXT/INPUT), the
amount of jitter is depending on the input signal.
A word clock signal fed to the Nuendo DD 8 can even be passed
through via the word clock output, because the output signal is phase
locked to the input signal (0˚). Thus the usual T-adaptor at the input is
not needed and the Nuendo DD 8 works as a signal refresher. This ap-
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