Setting your workout goal
Depending on your workout type you can
set your workout goal in different ways.
Setting your goal for distance.
When your program allows you to set
your workout goal for a distance you will
see the below window after selecting
your workout program.
To set a distance you need to select the
"set Training distance" button to got to
the next step in programming.
Use the arrow buttons to upper or lower
your goal. The goal limits are shown in
window too. (this image shows the limits
in metric settings) Press "OK" button to
confirm. You will go to your ready to go
program you have selected.
Setting your goal for time.
When your program allows you to set
your workout goal for a time you will see
the below window after selecting your
workout program.
Owner's manual • Pure 10.1
To set a time you need to select the "set
Training time" button to got to the next
step in programming.
Use the arrow buttons to upper or lower
your goal. The goal limits are shown
in window too. Press "OK" button to
confirm. You will go to your ready to go
program you have selected.
Setting your goal for heart rate.
When your program allows you to set a
heart rate limit to control your workout
intensity, see the below window after
selecting your heart rate controlled
workout program.
(Note: you may need to set a goal for
distance and time too to set a duration /
distance limit still.)
Use the arrow buttons to upper or lower
your goal. The goal limits are shown
in window too. Press "OK" button to
confirm. You will go to your ready to go
program you have selected.