Web Athletics
Webathletics is a program allowing user
be able to do exercise with friends /
strangers on line by internet.
To use Webathletics you need to be
connected to Internet.
When pressing "Web Athletics" button it
opens power management window.
The Display is divided in 3 sections.
User preferences
In the lower left corner you can find the
user preferences buttons.
Shut down
Press Shut down button to
exit webathletics program
and go back to programs
Register / Sign in
Press register and sign
up button to register a
new user or log in with an
existing account.
Fill out your email address
to register you as a new
user and create your own
webathletics account.
Owner's manual • Pure 10.1
After pressing the register you need to
follow the steps as shown in the register
Sing in
Use your email address and received
pass word to sign in with our personal
User settings
Press user settings button
to change your personal
account data and avatar
The following window will appear.
In the left upper corner you can set your
personal data as: Name, Age, length,
weight and language.
In the lower left corner you can set your
avatars appearance as: Gender, colour
of the eyes, hair, shirt, trousers, shoes
and bike.
Save and go back to main menu by
Save and go back to main menu by
in lower left corner.
System preferences
Window size
Press this button to re size
the window.
Coach voice
Press button to enable or
disable the coach's voice.