Report prepared for Guillaume Thibodeau-Fortin (Stove Builder International Inc.) on
6/8/2020 7:48:41 AM
Test Report 103704002MTL-001
The SBI Model 2.5 Series Wood Fuel Room Heater has been found to be in compliance with the applicable
performance requirements of the following criteria: "CSA B415.1-2010(R2015) – Performance Testing of Solid-
Fuel-Burning Heating Appliances", ASTM E2515-2011-Standard test method for determination of particulate
matter emissions collected by a dilution tunnel, ASTM E3053-2017- Standard test method for determining
particulate matter emissions from wood heaters using cord wood test fuel.
Testing was performed at the client's facility located in St-Augustin, Quebec. QC.
To make this SpecDIRECT document less voluminous, a number of appendices to the attached report were
omitted. They can be found in EPF under the identified project number as well as in documentation supplied to
August 2019:
Two units were added to series 2.5. They are the FP10 Lafayette IIS and the WFP-75 8411 which are both off
spin of the FP10 Lafayette II. The rationale of the addition is covered in PEV 103704002MTL-002 GLOBAL
REPORT attached to this spec.
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