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Deltaplus AN203100ZZ Mode D'emploi page 4

Longe a absorbeur d'energie
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anchor point (EN795). The end with the oval carabiner type connector will be connected to the harness (EN361). - AN230 : When each
end fitted with hooks type connectors, they can be linked indiscriminately one end or the other to the anchorage point (EN795) and the
attachment point of the harness (EN361). - AN240 : When each end fitted with hooks type connectors, only the ends of the double
portion must be connected to the anchor point (EN795). The end of the single portion will be connected to the harness (EN361). ➪
DONNING AND/ OR ADJUSTMENTS: (A) The fall arrest device comprises a single or double lanyard and an shock absorber. When
attached to the anchor point above the user, the dual shock absorber enables large vertical and horizontal movements by successive
clashes and stalls of the hooks with the various anchor points. The shock absorber comprises a folded and sewn tear strap, protected
by a thermoplastic film. In the case of a fall: the tension of the integrated lanyard and the shock absorber stops the fall . The tearing of
the thermoplastic film, that of the strap and its unfolding absorbs the shock generated by the fall arrest. ▪Lengths: (See reference table)
The total length of a device comprising an shock absorber and a lanyard must include: shock absorber + lanyard + manufactured ends
+ connectors for each of the ends. This length should not exceed 2 m. ➪ DONNING AND/ OR ADJUSTMENTS: (B) It is recommended
to assign an shock absorber to each user. This PPE can only be used by one person at a time. / / The fall arrest system will be attached
to an anchorage point above the user (minimum resistance: 12 kN (EN795)). The fall arrest system shall be attached to a sternal or
dorsal attachment point of the harness. Never remove the thermoplastic film surrounding the shock absorber. During operation, regularly
check the closing and adjustment and/ or fastening elements.
elements, sharp edges and structures of small diameter, oils, harsh chemicals, fire, hot metal, all types of electrical conductors... May
provide a protective sheath. For safety reasons and before each use, check: that the connectors (EN362) are closed and locked / that
the operating instructions described for each component of the system are met / that the general disposition of the work situation reduces
the fall risk, the drop height and the pendulum movement in the case of a fall. / that the vertical clearance is sufficient (free space beneath
the feet of the user) and no obstacles disrupt the normal functioning of the fall arrest system. ③ (See reference table) it is essential for
safety to verify the free space required beneath the user at the workplace before each occasion of use, so that, in the case of a fall, there
will be no collision with the ground or other obstacle in the fall path. The vertical clearance depends on different factors, but not limited
to, it includes: - The maximum deflection of the anchorage device. - The maximum deflection of the carabiners. - The elongation of the
linking system. - The maximum stretch of the body supporting device. - The anchorage location relative to where the user is when a fall
occurs. - The height of the user. Additionally, a safety distance of 1 m is added to obtain the vertical clearance value. For the different
factors, refer to the recommendations for use for each component of the system. AN203, AN208R2, AN208S, AN213, AN218R2,
AN218S, AN230, AN235, AN240, AN245 (EN355) : The elongation of the linking system. Fall arrest distance = H value (See reference
table) Ensure that proper fall clearance exists in order to prevent striking ground or other objects in the event of a fall. Provide a safe
distance from the ground and the power lines or areas with an electrical hazard. WARNING ! It is essential for your safety that work is
carried out in a manner so as to minimize the risk of falls as well as the height of the fall. ► Unless otherwise indicated, the fall arrest
device must not be used in the "HORIZONTAL USE" configuration (See reference table). WARNINGS: The device's anchorage point
must always be located above or level with the work surface. The attachment point must be located above the user and the work carried
out in such a way, as to minimize both the potential for falls and potential fall distance. AN203, AN208R2, AN208S, AN213, AN218R2,
AN218S, AN235, AN245 : (5), (6) (See reference table) : HORIZONTAL USE : The device has been successfully tested for horizontal
use. Horizontal use is the configuration in which the fall arrest device is attached to an anchor point at the sternal or dorsal harness
attachment point level (factor 1). The device has been tested successfully for a fall over a Type A edge. A steel bar with a radiusr =
0,5mm with no burs was used for this test. On the basis of this test, the device is suitable for use over similar edges such as rolled steel
profiles, wooden beams or a clad, proof parapet. However, the following shall be considered when the equipment is used in a horizontal
or transverse arrangement and a risk of a fall from a height over an edge exists: If the risk assessment carried out before the start of
work shows that the edge is very sharp and/ or degraded can degrade the cable or strap: - Appropriate measures must be taken before
starting work to prevent a fall from the edge or, - install protection on the falling edge or, - contact the manufacturer. The anchor point
may only be situated at the same height or above as the edge at which a fall might occur. The angle of the edge between the work
surface and the direction of fall, must be not less than 90°. The required clearance below the edge at which a fall might occur shall be
defined. The lanyard must always be used in such a way that there is no slack rope. If the lanyard is equipped with a length adjustment
device, this may only be used if the user is not moving in the direction of the fall edge. To limit this pendulum movement, the work area
or the lateral movements must be limited. They must not exceed 1,50 m on either side of the axis perpendicular to the edge (from which
the drop can occur) and passing through the anchor point of the fall arrest device. If the work situation requires that these limits be
exceeded, the individual anchor point is not the appropriate device. Use a type C or D anchor device according to the standard
EN795:2012 (example: a lifeline). Warning : EN795-C:2012 & EN795-D:2012 : This device cannot be used with an anchoring device of
this type. The deviation of the anchorage device must be taken into account to determine the required clearance. For this purpose, the
information specified in the instructions for use of the anchorage device must be considered. After a fall over an edge, there is a risk of
injuries caused by impact against the building or construction. Warning : In case of a fall over the edge, special rescue measures shall
be defined and trained. ■ TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS (See reference table) : - Materials : (PART4). ➪ RISK ANALYSIS : Risks
against which the PPE is intended to protect covered by a harmonized EN standard :
equipment against falls from a height: it protects the user against this risk only when it used in a complete fall arrest system (EN363),
which limit the peak of load during a fall to 6 kN. AN203, AN208R2, AN208S, AN213, AN218R2, AN218S, AN235, AN245 : RfU PPE-
R/11.062: This PPE has been tested with a mass constraint 40% higher than the standard requirements (at 140 kg). AN203, AN208R2,
AN208S, AN213, AN218R2, AN218S, AN235, AN245 : RfU PPE-R/11.074: Horizontal use on edges (TYPE A), of energy absorbers.
The use of these PPE is reserved for competent persons who have received appropriate training or who are operating under the
immediate responsibility of a competent supervisor, therefore the misuses is reduced to a minimum. Risks against which the PPE is
intended to protect not covered by a harmonized EN standard Two risks are possible:
absorber side on the harness side. 2) AN208S / AN218S : Premature wear of the rope (use over an edge). Solution: Rope surrounded
by a thermoformed sheath. Usage limits: Before any PPE implementation operation, set up a rescue plan to deal with any emergency
that may occur during the operation.
absorbers etc...): maximum life of 10 years from date of manufacture. ► The shelf life is given as an indication. The following factors
can cause it to vary greatly: -Non-compliance with the manufacturer's instructions for transport, storage and use /-"Aggressive" work
environment: marine atmosphere, chemicals, extreme temperatures, sharp edges... /-Particularly intensive use /-Shock or significant
constraint /-Disregard for the product item's history. ▪Warning: these factors can cause damage invisible to the naked eye. ► Warning:
certain extreme conditions can shorten the shelf life by a few days. If in doubt, always remove the product for it to undergo either: - a
review / - destruction. In the case of doubt or if the device was used to stop a fall, it must be immediately withdrawn from use and returned
to the manufacturer or any competent person appointed by them. The shelf life is not a substitute for periodic verification (minimum
annually) which will assess the condition of the product.
WWW.DELTAPLUS.EU. No modification or addition or repair of the PPE may be made without prior written consent from the
manufacturer nor without using their procedures. Existing components must not be replaced nor must other components be added. Do
not use beyond the area of use defined in the instructions for use. The manufacturer cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect
accident after a modification or use other than that provided in this manual. Do not use this equipment beyond its limits. To ensure its
working condition and therefore the safety of the user, the product must be checked systematically: ▪1 / visually inspect the following
points: State of the strap or rope: no fraying, no boot cut, no visible damage at seams, no burning and no unusual narrowing. / Condition
of seams and fasteners: no visible damage . / Condition of the metal parts: no wear, no deformation, no corrosion or oxidation. /General
DELTA PLUS GROUP - ZAC La Peyrolière - BP140 - 84405 APT Cedex - France –
Tel: +33 (0) 4 90 74 20 33 - Fax: +33 (0) 4 90 74 32 59 - www.deltaplus.eu
■ SHELF LIFE : Textile products or those containing textile elements (harnesses, belts, shock
During use, the overall system must not be in contact with: cutting
EN355: The device is a personal protective
1) Mounting upside down. Solution: put the
UPDATE 22/07/2021

