medicine, or at any other lime when a possibility exists that your judgment might be impaired or
that you might not be able to operate the brush cutter property and in a safe manner.
d. Avoid running the engine indoors. The exhaust gases contain harmful carbon monoxide.
e. Never use your brush cutter under any of the following circumstances:
e.1.when the ground is slippery or when other conditions exist which might make it impossible
to maintain a steady posture while using the brush cutter.
e.2. At night, at time of heavy fog, or at any other time when your field of vision might be
limited and it would be difficult to gain a clear view of the area.
e.3. During rain, storms, during lightning storms, at times of strong or gale-force winds, or at
any other time when weather conditions might make it unsafe to use the product.
f. When using this product for the first time, before beginning actual work, learn lo handle the brush
cutter from skilled worker.
g. Lack of sleep, tiredness, or physical exhaustion result in lower attention spans, and it leads to
accidents and injuries. Limit the amount of time over which the brush cutter is to be used
continuously to somewhere around 30-40 minutes per session, and take 10-20 minutes of rest
between work sessions. Also try lo keep the total amount of work performed in a single day under
2hours or less.
h. Be sure to keep this manual handy so that you may refer to it later whenever any question arises.
i. Always be sure to include this manual when selling, lending or otherwise transferring the
ownership of this product.
j. Never allow children or anyone unable to fully understand the directions given in this manual to
use this product.
3.2.2- Working gear and clothing
When using this product, you should wear proper clothing and personal
protective equipment such as:
1. Helmet
2. Face protection
3. Protective gloves
4. Working boots with non-slip sole
5. ear protection
Never use the product when wearing pants with loose cuffs, sandals, or when
3.2.3- Things to check before using your brush cutter
a. Before beginning work look around carefully to get a feel for the shape of the land, or grass to be
trimmed and whether or not there are any obstacles, which might get in the way while working, and
remove any obstacles which can be cleared.
b. The area within a perimeter of 15m of the person using the brush cutter should be considered a
hazardous area into which no one should enter while the brush culler is in use, and when necessary
yellow warning rope, warning signs should be placed around the work area. When work is to be
performed simultaneously by two or more persons, always check the presence and locations of
others so as to maintain a safety distance between each person.
c. Make sure that there are no loose screws or bolts, fuel leaks, ruptures, dents, or any other
problems, which might interfere with safe operation. Be especially careful to check that there is
nothing wrong with the blades / nylon wire or with the joints by which the blades / nylon wire are
attached to the brush cutter.
d. Never use blades that are bent, warped, cracked, broken or damaged in any way.
e. Keep the blade always sharp.
f. Filing the cutting edges, keep the end corner sharp and round the root of the edge.
g. Check the bolt to fasten the blade and be sure the blade turns smoothly without abnormal noise.
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