Audio outputs
You can decide how many stereo outputs you need for Groove Agent
3 by choosing a number here. Each output will create a new mixer
channel in you host audio mixer.
Please note that Groove Agent 3 will have to be removed from the VST
instrument rack and re-opened again for changes to be effective.
MIDI Output
When MIDI Output is active, this status is shown by a MIDI plug sym-
bol in the LCD window. Click the symbol to turn this function on/off.
One very strong feature in Groove Agent is its ability to write a MIDI
part containing the notes you actually hear! When this feature is ac-
tive, Groove Agent in Classic Mode and the Groove Agent module in
the UPPER slot (in Dual Mode) can write a MIDI part. The MIDI Output
switch really opens up a whole world of possibilities!
If you arrange your drumming in real-time with your sequencer in
record mode (you should try it – this was our ultimate goal when de-
signing Groove Agent), a MIDI part will be created as you go along.
After this stage you are free to open that newly created part and per-
form various tasks:
Delete, add, copy or move individual notes.
Groove Agent 3