FX section
At last, multiple built-in effects! It's rather convenient to have custom
made effects right where you need them, wouldn't you say?
Please notice the twelve tabs at the top of this section. They represent
the twelve possible outputs in Groove Agent 3. The color coding is
very important here, because it informs you about the following.
Grey with grey text – This output is not active/selectable, because it
lies outside the number of outputs specified on the Setup page.
Grey with black text – This output is active/selectable. It has no ef-
fect running.
Red – This output is active/selectable. It HAS an effect running! All
computer effects consume CPU power, and having effects running
with no sound passing through them is a waste. If a sound is routed
through this output, fine. If not, perhaps you should turn off this effect.
Green – This output is active/selectable. In fact, it's the output you're
looking at right now!
Under the tabs you'll find the effects. On the right side there's an
equalizer – or EQ. Nine bands that cover the entire audio spectrum al-
low you to make minor adjustments or go wild in the name of creativ-
You'll also find a classic-style compressor. Use this to make subtle
changes to the dynamics, or add bags of compression for a loud,
pumping sound.
Use compression with care – too much compression can be very fatigu-
ing on the ears, as it can kill all the interesting dynamic content.
The Compress knob controls how hard the compressor works. At the
minimum setting, the compressor has no effect on the sound, and at
the maximum setting the drums sound highly compressed.
Groove Agent 3