Groove Agent 2
The Groove Agent 2 sessions sported Mats-Erik behind the drums
and as the main sound designer. Engineer for this second round was
Rickard Bengtsson. Mats-Erik took the opportunity to record some
useful kits to make the sonic palette even more complete:
The Studio kit – A top of the
line set with some of the best
drums and cymbals around.
We wanted to achieve a
sound that would fit in a lot of
styles that demand a good,
clean and modern sound. The
three snares are high quality
snares with different depth
and materials and carefully
tuned to bring out the true
characteristic of the
The Heavy kit – This drum-set
is intended to fit in many of
today's Metal styles, where
busy bass drumming is a vital
ingredient. The dry character
of the ride-cymbal and the
great sound from the crashes
will cut through any wall of
Groove Agent 3