Engineer Jens Bogren came up with the suggestion that we'd run all
sounds through an analogue 24 track tape recorder for "that warm
sound". Great idea! Coupled with our original intention to produce a
very complete archive, this is what we actually recorded:
Tracks 1-2: closely miked drum.
Tracks 3-4: overhead microphones.
Tracks 5-6: ambient mics 2 meters away.
Tracks 7-8: distant mics 7 meters away.
After the recording sessions, Per Larsson spent several months edit-
ing the sounds. Editing in a multitrack environment like this is a task
very different from working with only stereo samples. We carefully
chose the takes that would go together best and went for a mixed
setup, where the 50s and 70s kits use the dry and distant sounds and
the remaining instruments use the dry and ambient recordings.
Mats-Erik Björklund was the person responsible for bringing all the
carefully chosen instruments to the studio. So even if the 70s hihat re-
cordings went astray or if we totally forgot to record the sound of a
whistle, his help has been invaluable!
So much for acoustic timbres. For the more modern and experimental
electronic sounds we turned to the sample library of Primesounds,
Stockholm. There was the multitude of sounds we needed. On top of
that, many of our musicians spent time on building their own, unique
sounds from the ground up.
Sounds marked with a B, M or R were recorded with Brushes, Mallets
and Rods respectively.
Groove Agent 3