(tempo) and time signature of your host program. When your se-
quencer is running, Groove Agent follows the tempo and synchro-
nizes to the beat position of the host.
You can make Groove Agent start simultaneously with your se-
quencer by using this method:
1. Start your sequencer.
2. Start Groove Agent.
3. Click the sequencer stop button.
Now, depending on the "When host stops" setting on the Setup
page, Groove Agent may be stopped or paused. The waiting/pause
status of the Run button is indicated by the green color. This is good
for those situations where you want the drums to play from the very
start of a song or a section.
You can choose how you want Groove Agent to react to Run and
Stop commands. The Setup page offers two alternatives:
Selecting "When Host Stops -> Pause Playback" puts your drummer
in waiting mode whenever the host is stopped.
Selecting "When Host Stops -> Stop Playback" means that Groove
Agent has to be restarted manually.
Different modes for different situations. Find the setting that best suits
your workflow.
Under the hood
So far we have described the functions you can reach on the top sur-
face of Groove Agent in Classic mode. The black area surrounding
the large LCD window not only holds the level meters, it's also the lid
under which the Edit department resides. Let's open the lid by click-
ing "Edit" in the lower right corner of the instrument panel.
Groove Agent 3
These buttons start and stop the internal
drum pattern engine. While Groove Agent
can be used with your host sequencer
stopped, it always plays at the BPM rate