Connecting the Boosters
The Z21
-Boosters can be connected in one of three ways:
▪ B-Bus
▪ CDE port
Please always keep to the selected connection form when connecting additional boosters.
The Z21
-Boosters is connected to the black Z21
socket. Which of the two CAN sockets are used is unimportant. Not only does the CAN-Bus transmit the
track signal that is to be boosted, it also provides for a comfortable configuration and firmware update of
the Z21
-Boosters via the Z21
also transmitted from the booster to the Z21
sible to read out a vehicle decoder using the POM read command not only at the main track of the control
centre, but also in the booster section (Z21
and the RailCom
Please also refer to Chapter: Configuration and Firmware Update via CAN and Z21
fore, please never connect the Z21
of a valid CAN-Bus cabling:
8010806920 neu.indd 34
maintenance tool. The received RailCom
settings can also be automatically taken over by the control centre (Auto-Settings).
CAN-Bus can be set up with a linear and star-shaped combination. There-
-Boosters behind a 10808 occupied detector. Two examples
by inserting the enclosed CAN-Bus cable in the "CAN"
via CAN by means of a ZCAN20 protocol. This makes it pos-
FW V1.30 and higher is recommended). The track voltage
data (RailCom
channel 2) are
Maintenance Tool.
25.10.2018 13:04:33