j) Setting function "PRIVACY"
It is possible to screen several areas of the image with a rectangle (8 different colours can be
This allows sensitive areas to be protected from monitoring or recording, or display on a monitor.
First, switch the function on. If you now press the button briefl y as usual, you can defi ne the fol-
lowing settings:
Choose one of the image areas here.
A rectangle can be drawn using the sliding control with "TOP", "BOTTOM",
"LEFT" and "RIGHT".
Set the colour of the rectangle; 8 different colours are available. Be aware
that when the image is displayed in black and white (e.g. at night), the
colours are reproduced as shades of grey!
The transparency of the rectangle can be adjusted here. When set to "1.00",
the rectangle is not transparent.
If a value less than "1.00" was set, under "TRANSP", the image area can also
be displayed distorted, if you select the setting "ON".
The image area selected with "AREA SEL" is displayed with a mosaic pattern.
This way, it is still possible to see when something moves in the image area,
but no details are visible.