2.13 - Control prior to commissioning
9 When the boiler is first started the siphon for collecting the con-
densate is empty. it is therefore indispensable to create a head
of water filling the siphon before starting up, following these in-
• remove the siphon by releasing it from the plastic pipe con-
necting to the combustion chamber
• fill the siphon about 3/4" full with water, making sure it is free
of any impurities
• check the float of the plastic cylinder
• put back the siphon, being careful not to empty it, and secure
it with the clip.
The plastic cylinder inside the siphon has the job of preventing com-
bustible gas coming out into the surroundings if the appliance is
started without first creating the head of water in the siphon. Repeat
this operation during routine and extraordinary maintenance oper-
• Adjust the ambient temperature thermostat to the desired temper-
ature (~20°C) or, if the system is equipped with a programmable
thermostat or timer, ensure that the thermostat or timer is "active"
and set correctly (~20°C)
• A variety of information appears on the display for each power
supply, including the value of the flue gases probe meter (-C- XX -
see "Display and fault codes" - Fault A 09), the boiler will then start
an automatic venting cycle of about 2 minutes
• The display shows the symbol .
To stop the automatic venting cycle, proceed as follows:
• Access the electronic board by removing the housing, turning the
instrument panel forwards you and opening the terminal board
cover (Fig. 16)
• Press the CO button using the supplied screwdriver (fig. 16).
9 Live electrical parts (230 Vac).
To start-up the boiler it is necessary to carry out the following oper-
• Power the boiler
• Turn on the gas tap to allow fuel flow
• Adjust the ambient thermostat to the required temperature (~20°C)
• Turn the mode selector to the required position.
2.14 - Checks during and after the first commissioning
Following commissioning, check that the START CONDENS IS
boiler performs the start-up procedures and subsequent shutdown
properly by acting on the:
• Mode selector
• Calibration of the heating water and DHW temperature selectors
(when connected to a storage tank)
• - Requested ambient temperature (by intervening on the ambient
thermostat or programming timer)
Check the DHW operation by opening (when connected to a storage
tank) a hot water tap with the mode selector on summer and on win-
ter as well as winter with preheating.
Check the full stop of the boiler by turning off the system's main
After a couple of minutes of continuous operation to be obtained
by turning on the system's main switch, the mode selector () on
(summer) and by keeping open the domestic hot water device, the
binders and manufacturing waste evaporate and it will be possible
to perform:
• the supply gas pressure check
• the combustion check.
Supply gas pressure check
• Turn the mode selector to
to turn off the boiler.
• Unscrew the housing fixing screws (A . fig. 9)
• Move the housing base forwards and then upwards to unhook it
from the frame
• Unscrew the instrument panel fixing screws (B - fig. 10)
• Turn the instrument panel forward
• Undo by two turns the screw of the pressure test point upstream
from the gas valve (C - fig. 17) and connect the pressure gauge
• power the boiler electrically by setting the main system switch to
• Generate a heat demand via the ambient thermostat
• With the burner at maximum output, check that the gas pressure
is comprised between the minimum and rated power supply pres-
sure values indicated in the multigas table
• Interrupt the heat demand
• Disconnect the pressure gauge and tighten the pressure test point
screw again upstream from the gas valve.
Combustion check
To carry out the combustion analysis, proceed as follows:
• Turn the mode selector to
• Turn the DHW adjustment selector to the combustion analysis
mode position
• Wait for the burner to fire (approx. 6 seconds). "ACO" is displayed
and the boiler operates at the maximum heating output
• Remove the screw and the cover on the air distribution box
• Insert the analysis probe adapter, found in the documentation en-
velope, into the hole for the combustion analysis
• Insert the flue gases analysis probe inside the adaptor
• Check that the CO
values correspond to those indicated in the
"Technical data" table, if the value displayed is different, modify as
indicated in chapter "gas valve calibration.".
• Perform the combustion check.
• Remove the analyser probe and close the combustion analysis
sockets with the screw
9 The flue gas analysis probe should be inserted until its reaches
the stop.
9 Even during the combustion analysis phase, the function that
switches the boiler off when the water temperature reaches the
maximum limit (about 90°C) remains enabled.
When checks are completed:
• Position the mode selector depending on the operating mode de-
• Adjust the selectors (2 and 3) according to the client's require-
9 START CONDENS IS boilers are intended for use with methane
gas (G20) and are already factory set as specified on the rating
plate, so do not require any calibration.
9 All checks must be carried out exclusively by the Technical As-
sistance Service .
to turn off the boiler