Crossfade / Playback Section
Understanding the Display
In normal operation the top line of the display shows information relating to the
storing of memories. RECORD TIME is the time that will be recorded with a memory
when the record button is pressed. RECORD MEMORY is the memory number it
will be stored to.
The lower line of the display has three seperate windows known as STAGE,
PRESET and XF TIME. These show the current memory number on the stage and
in Preset and the cross fade time that will fade in the Preset memory and fade out
I ∆000 %
the stage memory when the START button is pressed. To the left and right of the
display are two sets of «NEXT» and « LAST» keys. In normal operation these scroll
the PRESET and RECORD memory numbers.
Function of LEDS & Preview Key
The LED's below the Preset faders can be set to display different information. The
options available are scrolled through using the «MEMORY PREVIEW» button,
and are displayed on the right of the display.
The initial setting is to show the desk output mimicked on the Preset LED's, i.e. if
the output for that desk channel is more than 5% then the LED will light. By
TIME 0 : 05
pressing the «MEMORY PREVIEW» button once the LED's can be selected to
show the output from the Memory section of the desk, called Crossfade and
The display will change to confirm which memory number is being previewed,
and also the cross fade time stored with that memory. The active channels of that
memory will show as lit LEDs. The preview memory number may be scrolled by
using the PRESET NEXT and LAST buttons. Another press of the "MEMORY
PREVIEW" shows the output from the Effect number currently selected. A further
press of the «MEMORY PREVIEW» button returns the LED's to showing desk
If the LED's were previewing either Memory or Effect then pressing any button in
the Preset (other than a flash button), Memory, Chase or Master sections of the
desk will cause the LED's to revert to showing desk output.
Revision : 004
Lighting Technologies