Pull the long bolt (31) under the back rest out and fold the back rest over.
Kneel down and hold on to
the sides of the back rest.
Workout with rubber bands
1. Attach the rubber bands either on the front or rear support foot (see chapter "Mount-
ing", section "Attaching the rubber bands").
2. The back rest must be folded up (see chapter "Mounting", step 1).
3. Sit on the seat, place your legs over the leg supports and hook your lower legs into
the foot supports.
4. Sit upright and hold the rubber bands by the handles.
Working out your biceps
Attach the rubber bands to the front support foot.
Your upper and lower arm
are at a right angle.
Lower your body, bend your
arms. Tense your body. Your
thighs and upper body are in
line with one another.
Lift up your lower arms and
then relax them.
Extend your arms while
lifting your body.