At this point, with no active alarm, green LED of Input Voltage
OK (a) (see Fig. 42), should light in all UPSs.
Start up the inverter, by means of the keypad (3) (see Fig. 42).
In parallel systems make the procedure equipment by equip-
ment the first time or after complete shutdown, in order to
establish the communications among each unit of the system.
From main screen press () key to access to «CONTROL AND
STATUS OF THE UNIT» submenu (screen 1.0), and then press
() key. The screen 1.1 will be displayed, asking you to start
the equipment up by pressing (ENT). Do so, and then validate
the operation by pressing (ENT) again. See the diagram of Fig.
After about 30 seconds, the inverter and rectifier of the UPS
or each UPS will be running, but not supplying output voltage
because their respective switches (Q2) of the equipment and
panel board are still turned off.
In parallel systems, the first UPS starting the inverter will be
the one set as «Paral. Mst. Byp», the one with the highest ad-
dress as «Paral. Slv. By.Rsv» and the rest ones, if any as «Paral.
Slv. By». Logically, in parallel systems of two UPS units there
will not be any «Paral. Slv. By».
Parallel equipments only.
To check the hierarchy of the UPSs (parallel status), is
needed to go back to main screen in each equipment (press 3
times (ESC)) and access to screen 0.1 in all of them (press once
() key), see Fig. 44:
UPS: Normal, Invert.
CFG: Paral. -------
First row corresponds the UPS status.
And the second to the UPS hierarchy relating to the rest of
the system, which is dynamic depending on the status of
the rest of the equipments:
«Paral. Mst. Byp» bypass Master of the parallel
system. By default, the first UPS starting up the in-
verter according to the established procedure.
«Paral. Slv. By.Rsv» reserved bypass Slave. Initially
corresponds to the equipment with the highest ad-
dress excepting the one from «bypass Master». In
case of failure of the Master, it will take its functions.
«Paral. Slv. Byp» bypass Slave of the parallel system
(systems with more than two equipments only). It will
become as «reserved bypass Slave», when it practise
as «bypass Master». In systems with more than three
equipments in parallel, the hierarchy of «reserved by-
pass Slave» will be taken by the one with the highest
address among the «bypass Slave».
«Paral. Mst. Volt» voltage Master of the parallel
system. By default, the first UPS on normal operating
(inverter in operation), that the output switch (Q2) is
turned «On».
«Paral. Slv. Vt.Rsv» reserved voltage Slave of the par-
allel system. Equipment on normal operating (inverter
in operation), that the output switch (Q2) is turned
screen 0.1
«On» in 2nd place or subsequently (after the «Paral.
Mst. Volt» or «Paral. Mst. Vt.Rsv»). Initially, it corre-
sponds to the equipment with the highest address,
excepting the one from «Voltage Master». In case of
failure of the Master, it will take its functions.
«Paral. Slv. Volt» voltage Slave of the parallel system
(systems with more than two equipments only). Equip-
ment on normal operating (inverter in operation), that
the output switch (Q2) is turned «On» in 2nd place or
subsequently (after the «Paral. Mst. Volt» or «Paral.
Mst. Vt.Rsv»). It will become as «reserved voltage
Slave», when it practise as «voltage Master». In sys-
tems with more than three equipments in parallel, the
hierarchy of «reserved voltage Slave» will be taken by
the one with the highest address among the «voltage
Turn «On» the output switch or switches of the panel board,
depending if it is single equipment or parallel system.
Turn the output switch (Q2) of the UPS or each UPS «On».
The equipment or parallel system supplies voltage to the
output terminals of the switchgear panel board.
Make sure that the inverter on LED indication (c) lights (green),
and bypass LED (b) is turned OFF in all UPSs (see Fig. 42).
If the status of the LEDs is wrong, please contact with the
T.S.S. (Technical Service & Support).
For equipments with external battery cabinet, turn the switch-
fuse holder of the battery cabinet or cabinets (Q8) of each UPS
to position «On».
DO NOT TRY to make this manoeuvring at any
other time and/or in other way, because this op-
erating could damage the equipment and/or cause ac-
Once the rectifier is completely working, a process of equali-
zation (DC bus voltage starts to be equalized with battery
voltage) will be started. After a few seconds (depending on the
battery level), an alarm message like this will be displayed...
... it shows that the equalising process has been finished and
AT THIS MOMENT ONLY is when the battery switch, the bat-
tery protection or both elements can be turned «On»:
Equipments with a single battery mechanism, either the bat-
tery fuse holder switch or the battery switch and labelled in
the figures of the present document as (Q3). Turn it «On».
Equipments with two battery mechanisms, fuse holder
switch (F3) and switch (Q3).
1. Turn the battery fuse holder switch (F3) «On» first.
2. Next, turn the battery switch (Q3) «On».
In parallel systems, repeat this process in each equipment.
DO NOT TRY to make this manoeuvring at any
other time and/or in other way, because this op-
erating could damage the equipment and/or cause ac-
screen 4.*