Following the maintenance schedule in your owner's manual will help keep your vehicle in the safest, most
reliable condition. Inspection, adjustment, and lubrication of important components are explained in the
maintenance schedules
Inspect, clean, lubricate, adjust, and replace parts as necessary. When inspection reveals the need for
replacement parts, always use genuine parts available from your dealer.
Periodic service and adjustments are critical. If you are not familiar with performing safe service and
adjustment procedures, have a qualified dealer perform the required maintenance for you.
Pay special attention to the engine oil level during cold weather operation� A rise in engine oil level can
indicate contaminants collecting in the oil sump or crankcase. Change oil immediately if the oil level begins
to rise. Monitor the oil level, and if it continues to rise, discontinue use and determine the cause, or see your
Procedures marked as '■' means If repair is required, have an authorized dealer perform repairs that involve
this component or system. Improperly performing the procedure could result in component failure and lead to
serious injury or death.