114 | ACS 651/751 | Program description
Executing recovery when the engine is OK
and the A/C system is not OK
After executing step 12 of chapter 6.13.5, the follow-
ing screen is displayed.
1. Follow the instructions on the screen and press E.
The following screen is displayed.
2. Follow the instruction on the screen and press E.
The recovery phase is initiated.
After the oil drain is completed, the following screen
is displayed.
3. Follow the instructions on the screen and press E.
The recovery phase continues till the absolute pres-
sure is 600 mbar. When the recovery is completed, it
is possible to select and execute the other operating
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Executing recovery when the engine and the
A/C system are not OK
After executing step 12 of chapter 6.13.5, the recov-
ery phase is initiated. After the oil drain is complet-
ed, the following screen is displayed.
The recovery phase continues till the absolute pressure
is 600 mbar. When the recovery is completed, it is pos-
sible to select and execute the other operating phases.
Robert Bosch GmbH