To check correct operation of the alarms, a dot will
appear on the web page. The dot will be green
in normal conditions and red when an alarm is
Fig. 84
10.3.15 Digital Outputs Page
The Digital Outputs menu allows you to configure the
digital channels on the device. What follows is a brief
description of the configurable parameters for each
digital output.
• Relay ID: Field used to select the desired digital
• Output Description: Enter a text description of
the output functionality.
• Stand-by Status: Indicates the default status of
the digital output.
• Mode: Indicates the digital output activation
• MONOSTABLE: This mode activates the output
for the time interval set.
• BISTABLE: This mode activates the output for an
infinite time interval.
• Activation Time: Indicates the number of
milliseconds the digital output remains active (only
valid when the Monostable mode is selected).
Fig. 85
Some fields are displayed dynamically, depending on
the system configuration.
10.3.16 Auxiliary Commands Page
The Auxiliary Commands menu allows you to change
the order of commands to be exported via the
ONVIF protocol. To change the order simply drag
the auxiliary commands clicking on the icon at the
beginning of the row. The dedicated button can be
used to test the commands.
• Change Order/Run Command
Fig. 86
Fig. 87
On completing the configuration it is necessary to
re-associate the device to the VMS otherwise the
changes will not take effect.