static or semi-static rope (core + sheath) between
10.5 and 11 mm certified to EN 1891 type A (For
the certification of this device, the following ropes
have been employed: Teufelberger Patron ø 10.5
mm e Patron PLUS ø 11 mm); There are restric-
tions for the length or slant of sloped pathways. No
special precautions are required when accessing
sloped trails; Any overloading or loading on the
device can harm the anchor line; Never use lan-
yards or extensions of any mean to connect the de-
vice to your harness; During use, the anchor point
must always be placed above the waist belt attach-
ment point of your harness; The technical perfor-
mances of the anchor line might vary considera-
bly, due to dirt, moisture, ice, repeated descents
on the same stretch: keep in mind that these vari-
ances will influence the behavior of the rope inside
the device, and consequently, the speed of descent.
EN 341:2011
The Sparrow descender can be employed in res-
cue operations. Maximum allowed descend: 100
m; work load: 30÷150 kg.
Descent from an anchor point (fig. 10-11).
Insert the free end of the rope through the snap-
ping catch; hold the free end of the rope gently
push up the control lever to release the rope grad-
ually. To adjust the speed, vary the hold over the
free end of the rope. To stop the descent, let the
control handle go: The lever will spontaneously re-
turn to "REST" mode. No further maneuvers are re-
quired to up-keep the position hands free. Atten-
tion! Always hold thight the free end of the rope
whilst lowering the load. When you are lowering
a light weight (30-50 kg) and you have difficul-
ties feeding the rope (rope might be dirty, wet of
too stiff), you can release the rope from the snap-
ping catch, advance the hand holding the free end
of the rope to control the speed. Attention! Pay
attention that the hand holding the free end of the
rope doesn't get too close to the device. Atten-
tion! Never lose governance over your abseil, it
may result difficult to regain control.
EBS (Extraordinay breaking system).
EBS is security systems that decreases the speed
rather than increase it, when the lever is acciden-
tally pulled downwards. This maneuver has to be
used only in case of emergency and not during
normal employment. Regular use of this safety sys-
tem may lead to a faster wear of the rope.
To resume the descent, firmly hold the free end of
the rope and gradually release the control han-
dle back in to the "REST" position; At this stage
you can re-start descending following the instruc-
tion above.
Always wear a pair of good suitable gloves to pro-
tect your hands when manoeuvring the device and
the rope (we suggest the use of 7X980 gloves em-
ployed to carry out the certification test); Verify that
the connections of the device and the anchor are
arranged correctly, in such a way that the abseil
cannot be hampered; Full body harnesses are the
only mean for retain the body that can be used with
the device; In the due case it is necessary to leave
the device placed in the work location, make sure
to adequately protect it from the atmospheric con-
ditions and from dirt; The device is meant to bear
with a total descent energy of 7,5 x 10
J. The total
descent energy is caluculated E = m x g x h x n (m
= mass; g = gravity acceleration; h = maximum
lowering height; n = number of descents). This de-
vice has been tested with the following parameters:
m max = 150 kg; g = 9.81 m/s
; h max = 100 m;
n = 50 descents. Attention! Consider this as the
maximum attainable energy during use; Whenever
you need to do a rapid sequence of lowering's, pay
particular attention taking back in the rope for stor-
ing it in the bag or the designated area, to avoid
forming knots or twists on the line, which would
hamper with the next descents; Pay attention about
the possibility of the device to overheat during a
descent and consequently damage the anchor line.
Technical specifications of the rope used for
testing. Sheath slippage: < 40 mm; Elongation:
< 5%; Weight of the sheath: 26,25 g/m; Weight
of the core: 48,75 g/m; Weight of the rope: 75
g/m; Shrinkage: < 6.5%; Tenacity: > 22kN; Ma-
terial: Polyamide
6) MAINTENANCE (fig. 12)
Always check before, during and after each use the
good working condition of your product: in addi-
tion to your daily check it is mandatory, at least
once every 12 months, to perform an in-depth in-
spection of the equipment carried out by a com-
petent and authorized Inspector. Look for signs of
wear, corrosion, cracks on the surfaces, deforma-
tion. Check the rope for cuts, loosen yarns, signs
of corrosion, burns. Replace immediately the prod-
uct showing any of the described signs. Replace
immediately the product in case you are in doubt
about it's good state of conservation. Replace im-
mediately the product that arrested a fall. Even if
no sign of wear is visible, the strength of the device
could result seriously diminished. Avoid exposing
the product to heat sources, contact with abrasive
materials and sharp objects, corrosive substances.
Wash the product with fresh, room temperature (20
°C) water, if necessary, add neutral soap. Rinse un-
der fresh water and remove the water in excess,
with a soft rug. Let the product dry in the open air,
away from direct sun light or heat sources.
Remove the product from its package, store it in a
well-ventilated and dry place, away from aggres-
sive chemical substances. Never pack away your
product wet, never store your product in environ-
ment with a saline atmosphere. No explicit atten-
tion is required for a correct transportation, apart
from the advices above mentioned. Avoid leaving
your equipment in your car or in other closed plac-
es exposed to the sun.
It is very difficult to determine the longevity of a
product because it is influenced by many different
factors: Wear, intensive or incorrect use, environ-
mental conditions, incorrect storage etc. (list not
exhaustive). As general guidance, the following ex-
emplification can be applied: 10 Years for products
including textile or plastic parts, indefinite for hard-
ware made of metallic materials. It is advisable, in
any case, to substitute your equipment at least eve-
ry 10 years because meanwhile, techniques, rules
and regulations may have changed and your prod-
uct could result incompatible with other compo-
nents of the fall protection system. For your safety
it is therefore highly recommended that you always
check your device and equipment before, during
and after use and that you regularly submit your
device and equipment to inspections and controls
by competent persons, every 12 months at the lat-
est. These time intervals may change according to
frequency and intensity of device and equipment
use. Should you ever have even the smallest doubt
as to the conditions of the device, please see that it
is immediately replaced.
3 Years guarantee against all manufacturing faults
and or defective materials. Excluded from the guar-
antee are the normal wear, alterations, improper
use and or storage, negligence, incorrect main-
Aludesign S.p.A. and the responsible for the intro-
duction in the market, deny any liability for acci-
dents, damages, fatalities occurred in derivation or
after the incorrect use of this product, items altered
or repaired without the authorization in writing of
the manufacturer. The manufacturer declines any
responsibility in case of failure following this us-
er instruction. For the user's own safety, it is man-
datory that, if the product is sold outside the origi-
nal country of destination, the retailer must provide
this operating, maintenance, instructions and the
PPE ID card, in the formal language of the country
where the product will be sold.
SPARROW - Da leggere attentamente prima
Questa nota contiene le informazioni necessarie
per un utilizzo corretto del dispositivo di discesa
Sparrow nell'ambito lavori in altezza. Esso è un di-
spositivo di protezione individuale (DPI) destinato
ad essere integrato in sistemi di accesso con fu-
ne. I dispositivi di regolazione della fune non sono
idonei all'utilizzo in un sistema di arresto caduta.
Dispositivo di regolazione della fune - discensore
EN 12841:2006-C, dispositivo di discesa per sal-
vataggio EN 341:2011-2A. Da utilizzare con cor-
de (anima + calza) statiche o semistatiche - EN
1891 tipo A - 10.5 ≤ Ø ≤ 11
Attenzione! Un'adeguata formazione per le attivi-
tà che riguardano il campo di applicazione del di-
spositivo è indispensabile prima dell'utilizzo.
L'impiego di questo prodotto è riservato a perso-
ne competenti ed addestrate: chiunque utilizzi in
modo errato od improprio il dispositivo si assu-
me personalmente tutti i rischi e le responsabili-
tà circa danni, ferite o morte che pos-sano verifi-
carsi di conseguenza. Chiunque non sia in grado
di assumersi tale responsabilità non dovrà utiliz-
zare assolutamente questo prodotto. Dotarsi di un
dispositivo di protezione individuale non giustifi-
ca l'esposizione a rischi non previsti, anche mor-
tali: l'utilizzatore è responsabile dei rischi ai qua-
li si espone.
Prima dell'utilizzo occorre:
aver letto attentamente e compreso queste istruzio-
ni d'uso; aver acquisito una formazione adeguata
circa il suo utilizzo; aver acquisito familiarità con il
dispositivo e conoscerne le prestazioni ed i limiti.
Prima di ogni utilizzo:
verificare che il sistema sia correttamente assem-
blato e che i vari componenti lavorino senza inter-
ferire l'uno con l'altro; verificare sempre che l'in-
sieme delle attrezzature in possesso dell'utilizzatore
sia costituito da prodotti tra loro compatibili e con-
formi a regole, norme e direttive in vigore.
Attenzione! Verificare sempre la compatibilità del-
la corda in vostro possesso: alcune corde possono
essere infatti più o meno scorrevoli e questo può
dipendere da vari fattori (costruzione della guai-
na, eventuali trattamenti superficiali, diametro del-
la corda, corde bagnate o ghiacciate).
Prima di intraprendere un lavoro in fune:
va predisposta una procedura di soccorso effica-
ce per il recupero dell'operatore in difficoltà; infor-
mare l'utilizzatore dell'esistenza della procedura di
soccorso predisposta.
Inoltre: assicurarsi sempre che le condizioni di sa-
lute dell'utilizzatore siano tali da consentire l'uso
sicuro dell'attrezzo in caso di impiego sia norma-
le che d'emergenza; si dovrà prescrivere, se neces-
sario, che il prodotto venga consegnato individual-
mente all'utilizzatore, oppure si dovrà sottoporre il
prodotto a controllo da parte di personale compe-
tente e abilitato prima e dopo l'uso. Non è con-
sentito apportare alterazioni, modifiche o aggiunte
all'attrezzo. I modi di utilizzo errati od impropri del
prodotto sono molteplici e solo alcuni di essi so-
no illustrati in questa nota e barrati con una croce.
Attenzione! Soltanto i modi indicati come corretti
sono ammessi: tutti gli altri modi d'utilizzo possibili
devono essere considerati come vietati.
Sul discensore sono riportate le seguenti indica-
zioni (fig. 2):
1) Nome del costruttore o del responsabile dell'im-
missione sul mercato;
2) Modello del prodotto;
3) Indicazione lato libero della corda;
4) 0333 - Numero dell'organismo che interviene
durante la fase di controllo della produzione;
5) Marchio CE.