Operating the computer
The stepper meets accuracy grade C, i.e., there
is no claim to accuracy in the computer displays.
Turning the item on and off
When you start exercising or operating the pedals,
the computer switches on automatically. If the
stepper is out of operation for approx. 4 minutes,
the computer switches off automatically.
The top row displays:
1. "STOP", if training is paused;
2. The number of steps per minute (projection)
Selecting the mode
The 4 modes are displayed on the bottom row.
Briefly press the MODE button to change from
one mode to the next.
1. "TMR": Training time to date, from 0:00 to
2. "REPS": Number of steps completed during
the current training session from 0 to 9999
3. "CAL": Calories burned* from 0 to 9999
4. "TTR": Number of training steps since inserting
the battery, from 0 to 9999
* The calculation is based on pre-programmed
standard values, that serve as a guideline only.
The calories burned through use of the straps is
not considered.
You may display all the training data, one after
the other. To do this, press the "MODE" button
a few times, until the "TMR" row blinks. The
display will then automatically change from
mode to mode every 5 seconds.
Entering training goals
You may enter one or more goals:
- Duration of training (TMR)
- Number of steps (REPS)
- Calorie consumption (CAL)
1. Hold the MODE button down until "0:00
(TMR)" appears in the bottom row and the
first 0 blinks (approx. 7 secs.).
2. To enter your training duration, press the
MODE button several times, until the display
shows the required duration in minutes.
3. After a few seconds the display will show the
next mode (REPS). Press the MODE button, to
set the amount of steps in increments of 10.
4. You may set the desired calorie consumption
in the next mode (CAL) in increments of 10.
5. Now you may start with your training. The
computer counts down the pre-programmed
values to "0:00".
6. As soon as the pre-programmed goal is
reached, the computer ceases to count for ap-
prox. 10 seconds. Afterwards, the computer
starts again at 0.
Resetting the display
The display is on 0 only when used for the first
time. With all subsequent training sessions,
the computer continues counting from the last
time you trained. To reset the display, keep the
MODE button pressed down until all symbols
can be seen at the same time.
To reset the total number of training steps (TTR),
remove the battery.
Training instructions
Consult with your doctor before you start training!
Various goals can be achieved through
appropriate training:
• Improvement in your general fitness levels
• Increase in endurance
• Improved feeling of well-being
Success is essentially dependent on the following
points, which we would particularly like to bring
to your attention:
• Regular training and sufficient duration of
training sessions
• Appropriate nutrition
• Monitoring your training milestones
Who can train?
If you haven't trained or participated in sport
for an extended period, have cardiovascular
or orthopaedic problems, take medication, or
are pregnant, you should consult your doctor
before you commence training. Tell him/her
which training equipment you intend using.
Undergo an examination to ascertain which
training programmes are suitable for you. To be
safe, take the operating instructions with you, so
that your doctor may put together an individual
training programme with you.