Zeroing the Scale System
• Prepare the bed for a patient stay (linens, pillows, etc . ) and press
• Press and hold the Zero key for 2 seconds . Display will read:
Do Not Touch Bed (ensure no one touches the bed while this message is displayed)
• The system will return to the Scale mode and will display zero for the weight and the current angle value . The bed
is now ready for the patient .
The scale display turns off automatically after one minute of idle time, but the system itself remains active in the
background . Pressing
will reactivate the display in the Scale mode .
On beds equipped with the Scale and Bed Exit systems, zeroing one system will also zero the other .
Do not zero the bed with a patient in the bed . An inaccurate patient weight reading will result . Should it occur, remove
the patient from the bed and zero the scale (see above "Zeroing the Scale System") .
Registering the Reference Weight for Gain or Loss Readings
The scale system enables the reading of the patient's weight variation through the Gain or Loss menu .
• Press
to activate the scale . The display will read:
• Press the Menu Down control to access the Gain or Loss Reference Weight menu . Display will read:
Where xxx .x lb is the current weight reading and G xxx .x or L xxx .x is the positive (G) or negative (L) variation
compared to the reference weight .
• Press the Menu Down control again . The display will then read:
• Press Enter . The system will register the current weight as the reference weight and will display the Gain or Loss
menu .
To access the patient's weight variation anytime, go to the Gain or Loss menu through the Menu Up/Down controls
once the scale is activated .
Return To Table of Contents
Operation Guide
Weight Angle
XXX .X lb
+/- XX .X°
Hold to Zero Weight followed by:
Release to Zero (release Zero), followed by:
Weight Angle
XXX .X lb
+/- XX .X°
Gain Or Loss
XXX .X lb G/L XX .X
Gain/Loss Zero
Press Enter
Gain or Loss
XXX .X lb G/L XX .X
280C-009-001 REV B
, the display will read: